The broom: an easy tip to use it like a real cleaning professional

There are some objects in the house that we take for granted: we have always had them and we believe we know how best to use them. Take for example the broom - who doesn't have one at home?
Even though we now have vacuum cleaners, most homes also have a broom as a backup. Effective and simple to use, even the humble broom's performance can be enhanced. And this is the tip we describe below:
Even if simple, a broom is a useful tool, there is no doubt about that. Indeed, sometimes it can prove to be even more useful than a traditional or cutting-edge vacuum cleaner, because, being 100% manual, it allows us to get into practically any spot without too much effort.
However, if your broom is not performing as desired, do not despair: there is a quick and easy tip that you use to give it an extra "boost". Thanks to the tip we are about to give you, dust and dirt will be just a distant memory. So what are you waiting for? Grab some scotch tape!

Yes, that's right: all you will need is some adhesive tape - preferably the broad type - to be stuck on one side of the broom, at the bottom edge of the brush. Using double-sided tape is even better, and the tape can be secured using safety pins.
To "boost" the broom even further, scotch tape can also be applied to the other side of the brush, enabling either side to "magically" sweep up dust and dirt.
Considering the fact that not everyone has a vacuum cleaner, this method of making a broom more effective is revolutionary. And it's so easy to do that anyone can take advantage of it.
Have you heard about this tip before?