A roll of toilet paper in the fridge? This might help you solve a common problem
![A roll of toilet paper in the fridge? This might help you solve a common problem](https://img.wtvideo.com/images/original/47912.jpg)
You'd be right to be stunned by finding a roll of toilet paper in the refrigerator. But it could be an easy and cheap solution to a fairly common problem. In fact, toilet paper can solve a very annoying problem: opening the fridge door and being hit by a very unpleasant odor.
The first thing to do, of course, is to look for the culprit: there is usually some food - especially if it was not kept in an air-tight container - that has gone bad. And sometimes, even by removing this cause, the unpleasant odor can linger. But instead of having to empty the fridge and cleaning everything again, you could just use a roll of toilet paper.
A roll of paper to the rescue
![A roll of paper to the rescue](https://img.wtvideo.com/images/article/list/47912_1.jpg)
This tip is really simple: take a new roll of toilet paper (unscented) and put it on a shelf in the fridge (and you can hide it from view).
So why does this toilet roll work as a deodorizer? The reason is simple: the odors we detect are, in fact, molecules that are deposited on receptors in our nose. In humid or hot environments, our nose is even more sensitive, and odors travel faster. The fridge is a humid environment and this is one of the conditions in which odors become "stronger". Furthermore, we know that a humid, dark environment is ideal breeding ground for bacteria and mold (which can spread to food and even the fridge itself).
Since toilet paper is extremely absorbent, it is able to absorb some of the humidity in its immediate environment (we can see this is true when we leave toilet paper rolls near the shower). Due to this property, toilet rolls work as a deodorizer - even in the fridge.
The important thing is to remember to change the roll as soon as it gets damp to prevent it causing additional odor problems.
Other remedies to avoid bad smells developing in the refrigerator
![Other remedies to avoid bad smells developing in the refrigerator](https://img.wtvideo.com/images/article/list/47912_2.jpg)
When cleaning the fridge, use a mixture of water and white vinegar, in a 3:1 ratio (one cup of vinegar to three cups of water): the smell of the vinegar will not be too strong, will quickly dissapate and will be eliminate dirt and bad odors.
We can also use alternatives to the toilet paper roll method, but they work in the same way:
- Coffee grounds: make sure they are perfectly dry and free of mold, and place them in a small bowl in the fridge. These also need to be changed as soon as they get too wet;
- Tea bags: you can use new ones or used ones, but, if used, they must have been dried out properly (perhaps left in the sun) before placing them in the fridge;
- Small bowl with baking soda: you can add 1 or 2 drops of an essential oil, perhaps mentholated or citrus.
Don't forget regular cleaning of the fridge and also pay attention to the best way to store different foods. Taking all these steps will keep your fridge in pristine condition!