Quirky designs in the bathroom: 9 of the weirdest furnishing ideas shared online

Furnishing the house with extravagant and unexpected touches is the habit of many. And, and many times, it is not strange to come across combinations and design solutions that are, to say the least, questionable. The internet is full of such examples, and they are always quite funny to see.
In fact, there are many people who have shared the most bizarre furnishings they have come across: there are those who creatively reuse some objects; those who think up unprecedented space-saving solutions; those who decorate with flashes of imagination that almost defy any design standards. Below are some images shared on different social networks by various users, all relating to weird bathrooms they have come across:

When it comes to oddities, one of the characters that certainly can come to mind is Mr. Bean (portrayed by actor, Rowan Atkinson). There is someone who has seen fit to fill their bathroom with framed photos in which the unmistakable face of Mr Bean is superimposed on that of many other real - and imaginary - famous people.

Do you usually read while taking a bath? You have probably dropped a book into the bath water. With this solution, however, you can avoid this mishap. It is an 8 year old girl we need to thank for this idea.

We have often shown you how many unusual objects can be used to decorate the house. Have you ever thought of using a tuba as a sink? Someone in the comments to this post astutely asked: "And when have to unclog the drain, how on earth do you do it?".

The decorations can also be done to walls and floors, as we all know. Here, the owners thought of using a mosaic that looks like the classical screen of the famous Pac-Man video game.

Two, round, backlit mirrors. The mirrors could have remained normal, like a thousand others. But someone saw the reflections as sunglasses, and they painted the backing wall in the shape of a panda.

These shelves are made to place shampoo and shower gel on them. But who says they cannot be used for wine bottles? Sometimes it takes more than shampoo to get up in the morning.

Returning to the theme of mosaics: with pebbles and tiles, you can create any design you want. The people chose an octopus with tentacles that also creep up the shower's walls.

When space is limited, we try to find a thousand solutions, but hiding the window with a mirror is not for everyone.

If you want your shower to feel like you are under a waterfall, then you could copy this idea.
What do you think of these left-of-field solutions?