The dark bedroom is not a taboo, on the contrary: find out how to make it a refuge for proper rest

by Mark Bennett

July 27, 2023

The dark bedroom is not a taboo, on the contrary: find out how to make it a refuge for proper rest

Certain "truths" do not hold up in all contexts: this is the case with furniture in dark tones which creates a darkened environment. Usually this is considered a huge interior design mistake. But this is actually a good option for at least one room in the house: the bedroom. So, choosing dark browns, deep blues or even grays and blacks is no longer considered a taboo when it comes to furnishing our bedrooms.

From the walls, to the floors, to the bed linen and furnishings: a dark-toned palette can be used in the bedroom and, with due care, will create a perfect environment for getting a good night's sleep.

Use the right curtains

Use the right curtains

  • Curtains that block out the sun (aka blackout curtains): These should be enough if the room is exposed to the first light of dawn or the last rays of sunset, and so, the furniture can remain be lighter shades. In other cases, especially in hot areas, these curtains can be stifiling, so another solution should be explored.
  • Various types of curtains: you can add a valance in the centre, or heavier curtains on the sides to block early morning/late evening sunlight, but still preserve air circulation during the day.
  • Roman blinds, are another option that help to filter light, especially if they are lined with thick, blackout fabric.
  • Motorized and timed blinds: these can make all the difference. Imagine that you have chosen heavy curtains to darken the room, but then everything is so dark that you can't determine if it's time to get up. And an alarm clock is a morning shock that is best avoided so as not to get up in a bad mood. The solution is to set timers on motorized curtains, that open a little before you have to get up, and the entering sunlight will awaken you as nature intended.

Paints and colors

  • Dark colors absorb light, light colors reflect it, so in a naturally very bright environment, go for colors like blue, brown, anthracite gray and dark green. There's a lot of ways to use and combine these colors, which you can find online.
  • All black: This is an option for those who really want to be daring and who have larger rooms where there is a lot of light during the day.
  • Dark windows and curtains: Window frames and drapes (whichever type you choose), if they are dark, again, reflect less light, and help create the restful surrounds you want.
  • The ceiling should also be painted in a dark color, so as not to reflect light. However, when the walls, floor and ceiling are all the same colour, you can go for a slightly lighter ceiling shade.

It's not so strange to imagine a dark room anymore, is it?
