11 charming ideas to decorate the mantelpiece in the farmhouse style

by Mark Bennett

February 19, 2023

11 charming ideas to decorate the mantelpiece in the farmhouse style

The farmhouse style is a type of rustic interior design that aims to recreate countryside, homesteader-type atmospheres ("homesteads" are "farms" in US English). This style embraces the seasons, the fruits from the earth and perhaps even to the tools needed to work a farm - but is always balanced by an aesthetic that avoids cluttering.

Wood tends to be used "raw", and almost always is contrasted with white walls: both in plaster and bricks (painted white). There is also a generous use of sprigs, flowers, branches and fruit. Additionally, candles, wicker or rope baskets, ceramic, terracotta or metal vases are used generously. And one of the corners of the room where all these elements can come together is the fireplace, especially on the mantel/mantelpiece. Here are some ideas to inspire you:


Here's a bright and modern version, with a white fireplace surround, made of wood, and with light mouldings. A picture frame with an evocative phrase is placed over it: these are often mottos that make one think of the family and shared family values.


Mirrors are often found dominating a mantelpiece: round ones with simple frames are very popular (but many other shapes and types are used too).

Then there are the candles: there are a thousand ways to display candles, but using tall wooden candle holders is the most popular way. These candles are often combined with a vase or basket of flowers or plants (even artificial ones). The important thing is that the shapes, colors and materials are all inspired by nature.

The rustic farmhouse style is perfect for autumnal decorations: it cries out to be decorated with pumpkins!

If the mantel is made of square, sharp-edged, "rough" looking wooden beam, there's very little else you need to add. And a TV can be placed above it.


And what if raw wood (sanded and sealed) was used to frame the entire fireplace? It would be a feature worthy of a fashion magazine.

Certain models of modern fireplaces do not have the classic flue, so the wall above it can be used in many ways. It could accommodate a small closet, for example.


And here is an example of a woode beam used as a mantelpiece and to horizontally frame the sides of a fireplace.

Amongst the furnishings to consider to create a perfect farmhouse style, consider using a large wooden clock!


.. and old window frames - especially those with rectangular panes - can be used as furnishings. These are often accompanied with vases of dried flowers.

And being able to find and use an old wooden wagon wheel, would be the icing on the cake.

Would you like to have farmhouse style furniture like in these examples?
