9 useful gadgets to keep in the kitchen to speed things up

Whenever we have to prepare any meal we need to spend time in the kitchen. Afterwards, we always have to clean up and tidy everything up to prevent dirt and chaos from building up too much. Often, these are routine operations that we can carry out quickly and without thinking about it too much - but other times, these chores take up more time than we would like, and when hurrying, we miss doing something properly.
It is in these cases that it is useful to have the right gadget to hand that allows us to carry out some task in half the time or, at least, without getting ourselves too dirty or wasting excess cleaning materials. Here are some that are very popular online, and which might be right for you too:

When slicing vegetables, meat or fish, there is a real risk of injuring your fingers. Where this risk is present and concerns you, then perhaps you should use an anti-cut glove (which will allow you to slice away without having to worry about cutting a finger off).

Do you always have no space to put the ladle down on while cooking something in a pot? Make sure you always have the ladle to hand by using a special clip that allow you to secure it directly to the pot itself.

A tilting vegetable drainer (colander) makes the whole operation much more fun, safer and easier.

Even wiping the blades of knives thoroughly when washing them could sometimes lead to minor injuries. To avoid this, and at the same time ensure proper cleaning, there are special brushes available for this purpose that can be purchased.

Containers for storing leftover food are indispensable at home, but how often do they force us to freeze products in large portions? Well, there are also containers available with useful, smaller compartments - using these, every time you need the product, you will have the exact quantity you need, and no more.

A great ally for all your salads could be this slicer that also works as a ladle to mix all the ingredients. Salads ready in no time!

Like many other products on this list, this vegetable slicer (also used for other things) is among the most popular articles on TikTok, where many people show how much they use it to cut up and slice every type of vegetable, fruit, and more.

No more waste of dishwashing liquid: this dispenser makes sure that the sponge soaks up only the necessary amount of the liquid. But pay attention to the size of the tray at the top, because it contains the small sponges. Not that it's a big problem: you can always cut a sponge to get two smaller ones, doubling their life!

If you do not like to create small pools of sauce on your dinner plate, but prefer to dip your food, then avoid using saucers that are too large, and keep the sauces comfortably within reach of a fork using these accessories which can be secured to the plate itself!
Is there any item here you would like to try?