Do you want to redecorate your house but don't know how? Try some simple, trendy design tips

At some point, everyone finds themselves looking at the rooms of in their house in which they have lived for years and detected that there is something wrong. It is as if the beauty of the rooms has been eroded over time, even if, in fact, there is nothing that is clearly (or noticeably) really old or worn out. In these cases, it is not clear if a total restyling of the environment should be carried out - it may be enough just to revive everything with small touches of the right colors.
There are many design trends that have become popular in recent years, and some are actually very useful as a starting point for inspiration when you want to try to change something about the decor but without having to replace everything. Read on to find out more:
A room painted and decorated entirely using several shades of a single color: from the ceiling to the floor, the furniture and many of the furnishings come together to create a bubble of color in which you can immerse yourself, giving a particular and defined character to the room. There are living rooms or offices in blue, bathrooms in peach pink or sage green, and just seeing these in photos is sufficient to get the inspiration you may need to tackle your room rejuvination project.
It is obviously important to consult some expert on which shade is most suitable considering the size of the room, its use, and also the natural and artificial light that will illuminate it in the various times of the day.
The minimalist style has always been popular, but sometimes it leads to empty spaces that are too sterile and bland and devoid of having any character. So why not consider letting yourself be carried away in the opposite direction, and filling a room that had become truly bland with a riot of shapes and colors? There are guidelines to follow here too, especially with regard to the need to coordinate the many different objects without creating a confusing mess - but it can really be worth it in the end!
Color blocks on the walls
Monochromic decorating is fascinating but it is difficult and is certainly expensive - so why not try the trend of painting geometric shapes and abstract silhouettes on the walls? They can be used both to decorate empty surfaces and to play with the shape of the room and with the furnishing elements. You can match the color of one of the painted shapes to that of a shelf or clock hanging on the wall nearby, and project shapes from the ceiling to the walls to alter the perception of space in a playful way!
Painting the floor
When you think about changing the color of a room, you never look down, because often a tile or wood floor has been laid and you do not want to replace it.
However, if it is not an expensive or special floor (in marble or parquet, for example), you could consider painting it or covering it with materials such as vinyl and making it the colorful focus of the room!
And the block color technique can also work on the floor, especially in light and bright environments, with basic furnishings.
A colorful ceiling
Once upon a time, there were frescoes decorating the ceilings of stately homes: so why not update this idea and paint our modern ceilings with eye-catching shades of paint?
Using curtains in a unique manner
Curtains can do so much more than just screen the windows: you can use them to cover open shelving instead of using wooden or glass doors, as are used country kitchens; they can also replace the doors of open wardrobes; they can hide the washer and dryer and can also become an alternative for the classic headboard.
Low, long shelves
If you can afford to leave a wall of the living room or lounge free of furniture and shelving of various types, put only one low and long shelf at the base of the wall and then decorate space remains above it with paintings and plants. These low shelves can also be easily made using various DIY projects!
How would you like to rejuvinate the look of your home?