Shelves and recesses in plasterboard: 11 proposals to make your home truly unique

by Mark Bennett

February 18, 2022

Shelves and recesses in plasterboard: 11 proposals to make your home truly unique

Plasterboard creates the feeling that our house is built precisely to satisfy our every need: we can build divisions and columns, or alter load-bearing structures present in the original configuration of the house in such a way as to model each space in a customized way. A bit like a made-to-measure suit, arranging the architecture of rooms using plasterboard creates environments that can fit us and our needs perfectly.

The surfaces of the boards can be modified by adding cavities which will be used as niches to decorate or as useful shelves for storing (and displaying!) everything. Check out the ideas below:


Plasterboard allows you to define the space on a wall by drawing lattices, or any other shape you want, to create shallow or deep niches and nooks, to be filled with the objects you like.


When the niches have been created, they can be left bare or covered over - including the bottom - with wood that will create a beautiful contrast. Other times, however, only the shelf will be covered in wood.

The beauty of these solutions lies in the fact that the room seems to have been created to specifically house these objects or furniture items (like a bookcase).

In short, first we need to think about which objects we would like on display in the room, and then we build the shelves or niches accordingly. An approach that is like that used by shops and museums!

Plasterboard allows you to play with colors: a colored wall as an accent wall in contrast with the others is an idea. But sometimes even just the cavities present in the elongated wall can be colored.


This type of furniture is not only used for bookcases, but often is also used for the TV wall as well.

The plasterboard TV wall need not be the only one that is leaning against a load-bearing wall of the room, but one that is built specifically to divide the environment.


This creates the ideal relaxation area, with all the accessories arranged neatly, including spotlights and sound system.

The solution of "embedding" the shelves into the sharp edges of a corner of the wall is also very spectacular.


As well as being a way of enriching a supporting pillar in the center of an open environment with some corner shelves in plasterboard, this solution also blends perfectly with the other structural elements.

With plasterboard it seems that every nook and cranny can become an intrinsic characteristic of the walls, don't you think?
