Eliminate limescale from the toilet in an instant with these effective, DIY "bombs"

by Mark Bennett

September 19, 2023

Eliminate limescale from the toilet in an instant with these effective, DIY "bombs"

Despite thorough cleaning, every toilet sooner or later ends up getting encrusted with limescale due to continuous contact with hard water; in many cases, these limescale build-ups then turn yellow due to the deposit of uric acid.

Often these limescale deposits are difficult to remove. But there are many natural remedies that can help us eliminate even the most stubborn build-ups. With the right combination of ingredients, any encrustations can be easily eliminated and your toilet can be returned to pristine condition.

Below, we describe the method for highly effective limescale removal.


The recipe for DIY anti-limescale "bombs"

The recipe for DIY anti-limescale "bombs"

Bumblebee Apothecary/YouTube

There are just a few simple ingredients that you will need to make some highly effective, DIY, anti-limescale "bombs" and we are sure that you already have them at home:

  • 50 grams of citric acid;
  • 100 grams of bicarbonate (baking soda);
  • 1 tablespoon of an ecological dishwashing liquid;
  • 20 drops of an essential oil of your choice.

The preparation of this remedy is equally easy and can be completed in just a few steps.

Start by mixing the citric acid and baking soda in a bowl, then add the dishwashing liquid to create a smooth paste. At this point, add the 20 drops of the essential oil (citrus, mint, tea tree, lavender or eucalyptus essential oils are all recommended choices for this).

When the mixture is ready, place it into silicone ice-cube molds and put these in the freezer for at least 2 hours before using the "bombs".


How to use toilet "bombs" to combat limescale

How to use toilet "bombs" to combat limescale


Before using these "toilet bombs", carefully clean the entire bathroom first using one (or more) of the following:

  • a mixture of hot water and lemon juice in a spray bottle;
  • a mixture of hot water and white alcohol vinegar in equal parts in a spray bottle;
  • a paste of sodium bicarbonate with a little water for an abrasive action.

When your bathroom is clean, complete the operation using the toilet bombs: put one or two into the bowl and let the effervescence reaction take place - this will take about 10 minutes. Then, use a toilet brush to clean the toilet (and concentrating on any yellow stains).

Your toilet will now be perfectly clean and fragrant!
