Washing machine not working properly? Time to do some maintenance

by Mark Bennett

September 22, 2023

Washing machine not working properly? Time to do some maintenance

There is no household appliance that does not need to be periodically cleaned and maintained, and the washing machine is no exception. If we neglect to check and clean its components regularly, eventually it will start to underperform or even break down.

It is therefore worth maintaining the washing machine properly. Read on to find out how to do this:


Washing machine maintenance: pay attention to detergents and fabric softeners

Washing machine maintenance: pay attention to detergents and fabric softeners


We all know that you should never exceed the recommended doses for detergents and fabric softeners with each load washed. Failing to do so can lead to detergent residue building up in our garments and in the washing machine itself.

Inevitably, however, there will always be some soap residue in the detergent dispenser tray and this needs to be cleaned away. We can do this with a damp cloth, perhaps adding a little hydrogen peroxide. But we can delay the build-up of detergent residue: by alternating products used. Detergents have different formulations, and using different ones helps remove previous products' residue.

Periodically, it is advisable to do a high temperature, empty wash and putting just a little white vinegar (or hydrogen peroxide, or mild, chlorine-free bleach) into the washing machine's dispenser tray and drum.


Don't forget the filter and rubber seals

Don't forget the filter and rubber seals


All the dirt that doesn't drain away with the water is collected in the washing machine's filter: hair, lint and more, gather in the filter and we often forget to clean this. Doing so, however, is not all that difficult.

If the washing machine is a top loader, the filter is generally located in the back; for front-loaders, the filter is under the door, in one of the corners. In any case, before opening the filter door, cover the floor with rags to soak up any water that may pour out. Once you open the filter's door you will see a knob to unscrew (counterclockwise). If there is limescale present, you will have to use some force to unscrew it (hands only, no tools).

Remove the bulk of the dirt around the filter, and then immerse its compoents in a basin with hot water and a little white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda; then rinse off and dry. Before putting the filter back in the washing machine, also clean the housing properly.

For the rubber door seal, however, you can rub away the dirt with a sponge or rag, using water, soap and a little bicarbonate. Then, take a rag, soak it in hydrogen peroxide and stick it into the seal's folds. Leave the rag in position for few hours and then remove it: this way you will also eliminate any mold!

A little care will make your washing machine last a long time.
