What is the most effective method to have always-perfumed curtains? We explain how to do it using just a bowl

by Mark Bennett

July 31, 2023

What is the most effective method to have always-perfumed curtains? We explain how to do it using just a bowl

Curtains are an important furnishing and when choosing them, particular attention should be paid to them matching the rest of the house (or room). The only drawback about curtains is their incredible ability to absorb, and then gradually release, unpleasant odors.

So how can we solve this problem? There are certainly some useful tips for this, such as avoiding smoking inside the house, not using fabric curtains in the bathroom, using an efficient extractor oven hood when preparing fried foods in the kitchen, to name just a few. Another important thing to do is to wash the curtains regularly, choosing a program for delicate items and preferably using natural detergents and softeners.

However, there is a tip that you can use if the unpleasant smells are particularly stubborn and you cannot remove them in a simple wash. Read on to find out more:



If bad smells from/on your curtains persist even after washing, you can try to eliminate the odors completely using a method that is often adopted in hotels. To do this,you simply need to get a bowl and some ingredients that are readily available.

Put a few drops of vinegar or a teaspoon of baking soda or coffee grounds in the bowl: these ingredients are capable of absorbing even the most persistent odors. Leave the bowl with the chosen ingredient under the curtains overnight and the bad smell will have completely disappeared by the next morning.

You can use this method regularly, completely neutralizing any unpleasant odors. For a more incisive and effective action, you can also rub baking soda on your curtains, leaving it to act for a few hours before removing it with a vacuum cleaner. By adding a few drops of essential oil to the powder, the bicarbonate will not only eliminate bad smells, but will also leave a pleasant scent.

Give it a try! Your curtains will thank you!
