DIY floating candles: 3 creative projects to be inspired by

Candles of all kinds represent, for many, a true passion. They can be scented and have almost any shape and color and, for this reason, they lend themselves to being used as wonderful decorations. Candles help provide an elegant, romantic atmosphere wherever they are used.
This article is about specific scenic candles and we want to show you how to make them at home with only a few materials and a few quick steps. These are the so-called floating candles.
Read on to find out how to make them:

The first version of these candles can be made using transparent gel balls - also called water pearls: small spheres filled with a gel that absorbs water, inflating the pearls and then gradually releasing it. Thanks to this property, these pearls are often used for different types of decoration. Put some in a bowl, cover them with water and wait about 8 hours. After this time, the pearls will have swollen and you can use them to make floating candles. Fill clear vases or glasses with alternating layers of water pearls and decorative details such as artificial flowers and crystals. Once the container is almost filled to the brim, add some water and place the candle so that it seems to float. The effect created will be that of a candle and the other objects floating in the water. Light the candle and enjoy the show.

Here's another way to make colored floating candles: melt some wax and colorant in a saucepan. Pour the compound into muffin molds that you will have previously greased with vegetable oil and into which you will have placed wicks. Fill the molds and wait for the wax to cool and solidify. Then, remove the candles and float them in the vases of water you have pre-prepared.

For beautifully colored candles with an abstract look, try using wicks and vegetable oil. Cut a disk from a plastic bottle. Make a small cut in the disk that goes from the center to the perimeter and, in the center, secure the wick. Now, prepare your vases with water pearls, seed beads, stones and whatever else you like. Pour the water into the container and color it with food coloring. Put the wick in the water and add some vegetable oil. At this point, you can light the candle and admire your work.
If you're not sure about any of these steps, you can watch the tutorial video below: