Stone sculptures in perfect balance: be enchanted by the marvels created by a naturalistic artist

On occasion, whilst out walking in nature, you may have seen a tower of stones (aka a cairn) which someone has put and to which we may be tempted to add to. Generally, cairns are quite big, pyramid-shaped and mostly made up of fairly flat stones and rocks (which are more stable).
But what if we told you that you could create a cairn of any size or shape that will not fall over? If this doesn't seem possible, maybe you'll change your mind after reading about a man who does just this with his cairn art.
Michael Grab is a Canadian artist who has become famous all over the world for his extraordinary cairn-like sculptures: these are creations which seem to defy the laws of gravity.
In fact, the name that Michael gave to his project is "Gravity Glue", underlining the fact that gravity actually helps him achieve and produce his works of art.
via Alasdair Foster -
Michael spends hours creating these sculptures in different natural settings, photographing them afterwards and contrasting them with their backgrounds. Sometimes, the backgrounds can be artificial, but the sculptures themselve are real.
So, how does Michael build these impossible cairns? It is a process that requires a great deal of patience. Michael remains concentrated, body and mind, for many hours, working in a meditative state, in deep contact with the nature that surrounds and inspires him.
Sometimes, Michael's projects takes hours, sometimes even days: his sculptures, however, do not collapse easily as Michael is able to find the exact spots where gravity will hold his creation together as one piece.
However, Michael also considers all of his works to be ephemeral creations: so, after completing a piece, he carefully photographs it, and then disassembles it, returning the area to its original state. Indeed, when a projects lasts for days, Michael disassembles the sculptures every night and reassembles them the next morning.
Michael says that the concentration required to find the balance points for each rock allows him to "turn off the noisy chatter that usually occupies people's minds".
Michael's projects are a complex, methodical operation, for which it is necessary to isolate oneself from daily worries in order to enter a state of harmony with nature until the project is completed.
Below, you can see a video about this artist:
Would you like to try to create a sculpture like this?