11 great ideas to copy to decorate the walls of your home using recycled objects

Do you ever look at the walls of your house and realize that they are a bit bare? Or maybe you no longer like the paintings and pictures you put up years ago? Well, this doesn't mean that you have to spend a fortune buying new decorations and ornaments.
With a little imagination, you can transform almost any object - even objects destined for the trash - into items that will look wonderful in your home. Below, you will find some recycling ideas which might serve to inspire you:
Do you have scraps of wood left over from some carpentry project? You might enjoy painting them in various colors and assembling them into a three-dimensional, wall-mounted heart!
Plastic bottle caps can become a colored mosaic picture - abstract or defined in form.
When all hope of finding a missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle is lost, transform the remaining pieces with some paint and give free rein to your artistic flair.
Online, you can find many examples of wall art created by using old picture frames - which are beautiful left both empty or used to frame all sorts of objects, highlighting shapes and colors.
Do you have any surviving cutlery from an old dinner service? You could frame the peices and, they will look great in the kitchen or dining room!
Even various dishes and other bits of crockery - in ceramic or porcelain - can become the focal points of whimsical paintings.
Or you could just mount old dishes from some old dinner service directly to the wall.
And with all the books you are done with but don't have the heart to throw away, the answer could be to make a stunning wall decoration out of them.
Legs of old wooden tables and chairs, as well as pieces of balustrades, railings or backrests: they can all become the centerpiece of artistic compositions to be displayed on your walls.
If you have scraps of a beautiful fabric laying around, why not frame it and put it on a wall?
And how about a completely customized gallery of mirrors?
With a little imagination almost anything can become a work of art for your walls!