How to dust and polish your whole house using an old, woollen sweater

It will certainly have happened to everyone, at least once to have a woollen sweater shrink in the wash. And maybe it was your favorite sweater too. But don't throw it in the trash quite yet.
If you were very fond of your sweater, you could reuse it to create a handbag or perhaps a pillow for your pet, gloves or a cap. Alternatively, it could become a very effective tool for cleaning the house. Wool generates static electricity, which can be very useful in removing dust from all the surfaces in a home. Let's discover its uses together:

Old wool sweaters can help you clean and polish all the surfaces of your home:
- Floors: by securing a woollen sweater to a broom or similar, you can sweep all floors, even under the bed or furniture, removing dust thoroughly. When used on parquet, the sweater will also help make it more shiny and lucid.
- Marble: being one of the most delicate surfaces, it is best not to treat marble with too many aggressive products to avoid damaging it. If you want it to keep its shine, simply wash it with water and Marseille soap or water and bicarbonate of soda and, once dry, wipe the sweater over the entire floor. You will see that it will be like new again!
- Furniture: even furniture benefits greatly from the use of sweaters. In addition to completely removing dust from all the surfaces, wool is able to polish the wood. Divide the sweater into pieces, use one to wax and one to polish - the results will be amazing.
- Collectables and frames: in the same way, you can also clean books, records, DVDs and any other collectable items or picture frames - even precious ones in lacquered or natural wood. Thanks to static electricity, the dust will be completely removed.
Are you ready to make your house sparkle again?