Natural cleaning of granite floors: the ingredients for optimal results

by Mark Bennett

March 31, 2023

Natural cleaning of granite floors: the ingredients for optimal results

One of the memories that comes to mind when we think back to our grandmothers are certainly the moments when we went to them to spend an afternoon - a Sunday, or maybe for the summer holidays. The scents, colors and atmosphere of our grandmothers' houses were always able to evoke pleasant sensations in us. But perhaps we were not as fond of the stippled, granite floors that many older houses have.

Do you remember how difficult it was to find something when it fell on this type of floor? We may have spent hours hunched over the kaleidoscopic tiles of a granite floor looking for earrings, pencils, rings, safety pins, paper clips or marbles!

If you live in an older house, chances are it will have a granite floor. But do you know how your grandmother cleaned it? Natural remedies can be great for this - read on to find out how:



The fundamental thing to take into account when cleaning this type of floor is its delicacy: the granite is, in fact, made up of pieces of marble and other stones which, however long-lasting and robust, can still be damaged by overly aggressive chemical cleaning agents, such as those with acidic bases or ingredients. So, pay attention to what falls on the floor, taking care to clean up messes and spills as soon as possible.

Use one (or more) of these methods to clean your granite floors:

  • Water: a simple daily wipe with a damp mop helps stains forming on the floor and makes weekly cleaning easier.
  • Alcohol: a very useful remedy for cleaning and polishing granite, you can use it by diluting 2 tablespoons in 5 liters of cold water.
  • Neutral soap: neutral detergents such as Marseille soap are the most suitable for cleaning this type of floor, because it cleans thoroughly without being excessively aggressive to the surface. A spoonful in a bucket of warm water will suffice.
  • Sodium bicarbonate: another very effective product for cleaning and sanitizing this type of floor: just dissolve a spoonful of bicarbonate in water to get a great detergent.
  • White vinegar: this is great for polishing granite floors to perfection, and is also excellent for sanitizing and eliminating any bad smells. Always use white alcohol vinegar, which is more delicate than wine vinegar, diluting two tablespoons in 5 liters of water.

What is your favorite granite floor-cleaning remedy?
