8 tips to make the color of your dyed hair last as long as possible

by Mark Bennett

March 15, 2023

8 tips to make the color of your dyed hair last as long as possible

Anyone who has to dye their hair - whether it's out of necessity or by choice - knows how tiring it is to maintain the look. Regrowth, fading dye, dry hair and other "natural processes" can be very irritating. Not to mention the high costs of visiting the hairdresser frequently for "touch-ups".

Given this, here are some useful tips to keep your hair as healthy as possible and the color (if you dye your hair) intact for longer - and without having to rush around to the hairdresser.



  • Shampoo for dyed hair: for a more lasting and beautiful dye job, the first thing to do is to use a shampoo made especially for colored hair. There are many on the market and they are suitable for everyone's needs. And, to be on the safer side, you can always ask your hairdresser for advice.
  • Frequent washing: it seems obvious to repeat this, but not everyone is aware of it. Avoiding washing your hair too frequently, reducing sessions to when they are absolutely necessary.
  • Conditioner, moisturizing and restorative treatments: using a conditioner, both before and after washing, and moisturizing or using restorative treatments with a certain regularity, helps to keep one's hair well-hydrated and, consequently, having a more full-bodied colour.
  • Cold rinse: doing a cold rinse at the end of a hair wash helps close the scales of the hair, sealing it and limiting color loss.
  • Heat sources: heat sources should be avoided as much as possible if you want to protect the colour of your hair. Straighteners, hair dryers and hot water rinses are the enemies of dyes and of the hair itself. If you really can't avoid using these tools, reducing the frequency of use can certainly help.
  • Color kit for roots: there are kits on the market to touch up one's hair, when the roots start to show. This is a useful method to camouflage the roots - especially for those with naturally white/grey hair and/or extensions. This a solution that allows you to touch up just one area and without having to run off to the hairdresser.
  • Spray or mascara touch-ups: then there are quick-fix, temporary solutions that allow you to touch up your roots when needed (but which will come out in a wash). These are certain sprays or mascara that can be used to fix the problem temporarily.
  • Highlights: finally, another good way to lengthen the time between one dye job and another is to get highlights which will give your hair body and shine. 

Did you already know about any of these tips?
