The best way to store spices in the kitchen? Neatly inside a drawer

by Mark Bennett

January 31, 2023

The best way to store spices in the kitchen? Neatly inside a drawer

Spices used in the kitchen are a truly indispensable ingredient in many dishes, and in certain cultures one really cannot hope to obtain the right taste without using a whole range of flavourings. So, in all our kitchens - from beginners to experts - it is very likely that we all have a stash of spices somewhere.

Very often, spice bottles they are kept on some small shelf, mounted near the stove. At other times, magnetic supports are used to keep them stored on the refrigerator door. Still others prefer to store them inside a kitchen unit. But the most useful way to store them, could be in a drawer next to the stove.



When stored exposed, it is inevitable that spice bottles become covered in grime: the cooking vapors or splashes of sauce and oil settle on spice bottles just as it does elsewhere.

As a result, the spice bottles become really unpleasant to look at and sticky to the touch. This means that you have to periodically wash the bottle, and doing so exposes the spices to the risk of being affected by humidity.



For this reason, it is best to store spice bottles inside a drawer.

In all likelyhood, your spice bottles will all be of similar size (or you will have transferred them to identically-sized jars).

Where this is the case, simply buy a spice divider that will allow you to store your spice bottles/jars in a drawer. In this way, just opening the drawer will give you quick access to your spices. And picking up a bottle will not run the risk of knocking over the others. 



Another method that some use is to put place them upright in drawers that are deep enough. In that case, it becomes necessary to have the name of each spice on the lids, of course.

How do you store your spices?
