6 ways you can take advantage of fireplace ash and its many properties

by Mark Bennett

October 26, 2022

6 ways you can take advantage of fireplace ash and its many properties

The ash of the fireplace, or that produced by the combustion of wood (or untreated Pellets) is a very valuable material in many contexts. As often happens, when we talk about the use of natural products, this is a very well known resource.

From home cleaning to gardening, ash is like a magical substance that can provide the right solution and remedy for many problems. To discover its many, incredible properties, we list some of its many potential uses below:



Below, we show some of the most common circumstances that require the use of ash, grouping them into thematic areas:

  • Putting out fires - It may seem paradoxical, but throwing ash on a fire helps to put it out. Using ash is the first choice you can make if you need to put out the fireplace fire or smother hot coals.
  • To melt snow - Ash, like salt, is capable of melting ice and snow. It is therefore very useful, for example, to make icy roads accessible.
  • Gardening - In the area of gardening, ash can be used both as a fertilizer and as a pesticide. It is rich in nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium which are very useful in making soil more fertile. It also helps to balance the soil's levels of acidity. At the same time, it can serve to prevent fungal and parasitic attacks. However, we must be careful to research where and when ash can be used (as it is not suitable for all locations).



  • Household cleaning - As far as household cleaning is concerned, ash can be a really winning solution. There are those who use it as a limescale remover or, when mixed with water, to obtain an abrasive compound that polishes stainless steel and silverware. And then there is the traditional recipe for lye, a natural detergent that has ancient origins and with which you can make excellent soaps. The preparation consists in boiling some ash reduced to powder and immediately after letting it cool for about 12 hours, letting the solid part settle to the bottom. The lye to be used will be the top liquid part, after having been suitably filtered.
  • To deodorize and fight moisture - Bowls and cups of ash placed in various corners of the house can help absorb unpleasant odors, humidity and mold.
  • Taking care of your well-being - This incredible material is also a panacea for well-being and body health. We absolutely do not want to give medical advice here, because we are not qualified. But, for information, it is useful to know that ash has been used over time to treat a lot of common physical symptoms and even to strengthen hair and nails.

There are a lot of other ways ash can be used. These are the best known and most popular.

Did you know of any of these and have used them?
