Do you want your toilet seat white and shiny again? Clean it using these tips

by Mark Bennett

October 24, 2022

Do you want your toilet seat white and shiny again? Clean it using these tips

The daily use of some objects can inevitably lead to signs of wear that make them unsightly. A good example of this is the toilet seat: usually made from a plastic material, it could turn gray or yellow due to continuous use (or by cleaning products).

Although it is the most widely used product for cleaning and sanitizing our homes, bleach can have harmful effects on the objects we clean with it, including bathroom fixtures. In particular, bleach is one of the causes of yellowing of the toilet seat. So how can we deal with this? Here are some tips to restore your bathroom to looking like new!


1. Hydrogen peroxide

1. Hydrogen peroxide


There are many home-made ingredients that can help us keep our toilet seats white and shiny; the first is hydrogen peroxide, which whitens without causing any damage to any of your bathroom fixtures. The 130-volume version can be used to pour directly onto a toilet seat. Leave to act for 10 minutes before rinsing off and wiping down with a dry cloth.


2. White vinegar, lemon and salt

2. White vinegar, lemon and salt


The second remedy takes advantage of the cleaning and sanitizing power of three fundamental ingredients in our kitchens: white vinegar, salt and lemon. Just bring some lemon juice to a boil in a saucepan with 200 ml of white vinegar, turn off the heat and add the salt. Let this solution cool and clean the toilet seat with a sponge or by pouring the mixture directly onto the surface. The acting time is considerably higher than that of hydrogen peroxide - it will take about 40 minutes, but the whitening effect is guaranteed. Rinse off and dry.

3. Soap or wet wipes

3. Soap or wet wipes


A valid alternative to the two methods above is to use an antibacterial soap diluted with warm water or dish soap. You can also try using sanitizing wipes, taking care to throw them in the trash after use so as not to clog up the pipes. Whichever product you choose, dry well immediately after cleaning with a clean cloth.

4. Baking soda

4. Baking soda


Baking soda is a whitening product par excellence, and you can use it by creating a paste with a little water to apply directly to the toilet seat and leave to act for 20 minutes before rinsing off and drying. Some also prepare a solution with bicarbonate, sodium percarbonate and water; in this case it will be necessary to use very hot water or the percarbonate will not be activated. Pay attention when using these products: as they are abrasive, some plastics could be damaged and be compromised, accelerating the yellowing process and leading to the appearance of signs of wear.

Now you have no more excuses for not cleaning your toilet seat properly: which tip do you want to try first?
