Bad smells emanating from the toilet! Here's some tips to deodorize the cistern quickly and easily

It sometimes happens that bad smells emanate from the bathroom even after the most thorough cleaning. In these cases, the cause is probably to be found in the toilet cistern, an area that we usually neglect to clean, but inside which bacteria and mold can proliferate. When this happens, the solution is much simpler than you might think.
There are many possible solutions to clean the toilet cistern and TikTokker @kyvolhometips provides some tips you might be interested in:

You can eliminate bad smells from your bathroom forever by opening the cistern of the toilet and doing two minutes of cleaning. TikTokker @kyvolhometips shows the following remedies in his video:
- Body lotion: body creams are excellent beauty remedies to make our skin softer and more fragrant, but they can also help us with cleaning the house. Choose your favorite lotion and pour a few drops into the cistern to deodorize it.
- Laundry detergent: often formulated with pleasant and enveloping fragrances, laundry detergents leave a wonderful scent on your clothes. Take advantage of the detergent's power in the bathroom (put a few drops in the cistern).
- Insect repellents: not only will they perfume the air, but they will also help keep pests away.
Naturally, these are remedies that should be used at least once a day for them to be effective: use liquid products, so as not to damage or block the pipes with any residue.
If you are looking for a more natural and safer way to clean the cistern, you can easily make DIY deodorant tablets, which will not only remove bad smells, but will sanitize your toilet thoroughly. Use baking soda, a lemon, water and essential oils of your choice. Mix one and a half cups of baking soda with the juice of half a lemon and 10 drops of essential oil, then add water until you get a sandy consistency. Place in the freezer for 4 hours in an ice block try and your tablets will be ready. Place one regularly in the cistern and your bathroom will be free of bad smells forever.
Ready to roll up your sleeves?