Household linen and the change of season: when is it the right time to change the curtains and bed linen?

by Mark Bennett

December 27, 2022

Household linen and the change of season: when is it the right time to change the curtains and bed linen?

When we talk about the change of season, we are not referring only to our wardrobes, but to the fabrics throughout the home. In fact, even curtains, sheets and blankets have their own seasonality: if in the summer we will look for lighter fabrics (which help keep us cool), when the days start to get colder, it is best to use thicker fabrics.

When and how should we change the household linen then? And how can we ensure we always have a fresh, clean and fragrant home environment? Check out the tips below:





First of all, it is necessary to chose a time to change the linen: the ideal period is the month of September, (but can be postponed until the end of October, depending on weather conditions). Get ready by unpacking all the autumn and winter linen and letting them air out. Now take the opportunity to clean the wardrobe and air it out. For this purpose, you can use natural products, such as a mixture of water and vinegar or water and bicarbonate or Marseille soap.

Wash all the summer laundry a little at a time and store it neatly, perhaps inside vacuum bags so that it takes up less space. Also, insert scented sachets into the wardrobe; you can make these with lavender flowers or other aromatic herbs such as laurel, rosemary or sage or spices such as cinnamon and cloves. Alternatively, use a cotton ball soaked in your favorite essential oil.


Choice of linen

Choice of linen


You are now ready to choose the most suitable bed linen for winter. Start with the mattress cover, which must be soft, warm and padded. As for the sheets, you can chose cotton, which is suitable for all seasons (because it is breathable and cool in summer and warm in winter). Alternatively, opt for flannel, which is a thicker and warmer cotton. As for the bedspread, the choice will be between a quilt or a duvet. In this case, you can choose whichever best suits your needs and does not feel too heavy on your body when you are in bed.




Curtains are also important in creating a warm and comfortable environment: if in the summer light fabrics are best, in winter, it is recommended to use heavier fabrics with warmer colors (which will also reduce less heat loss). If you don't want to change the curtains with the change of season, you can choose to use double curtains: one will be in a light fabric and more suitable for summer, the other will be in a heavier fabric that will help you keep you warm in winter. There are different types of curtain availalbe that you can easily adapt to the style of your home. Remember that even curtains need a to be freshened up from time to time: the ideal would be to wash them at least once a month, so that the rooms are always fresh, clean and pleasantly scented.

Are you ready for the change of season?
