Effective cleaning:use 3 tips from an expert to save time and effort

by Mark Bennett

September 28, 2022

Effective cleaning:use 3 tips from an expert to save time and effort

Cleaning the home is a daily chore that none of us can avoid - unless we have a domestic helper, of course. And if for some it is a pleasure and a way to relax, for others, cleaning is a real burden. So, how can we make this chore less onerous? The answer is simple: rely on the valuable advice of an expert! Who better than a cleaning expert to help you discover quick and easy tips to save time while getting exceptional results?

The TikTokker cleanthatup always gives valuable tips to make cleaning the home less tiresome: let's see 3 tips that will help you clean your home in a few simple steps:


1. Cleaning water bottles

1. Cleaning water bottles


Water bottles are great for our travels: they prevent the use of plastic and ensure we always have water available. Being refillable, they are truly eco-friendly. But even water bottles, however, need regular cleaning, if we don't want dirt and germs to accumulate inside them.

Cleanthatup recommends the use of denture cleaning tablets: fill the bottle with warm water, place the tablet inside and let it act for half an hour, then rinse out using with cold water. Your water bottle will be as good as new! If you don't have these tablets at home and you don't want to buy them, you can use a home remedy using two simple ingredients (usually alwasy present in our pantries): wine vinegar and baking soda. The procedure is more or less the same: pour half a cup of vinegar into the bottle, add a spoonful of baking soda and let it act until the effervescence reaction ends; fill the bottle with hot water to dissolve any dirt and let it soak for 10 minutes, then rinse out.

In both cases, we recommend that you do not close the bottle using the lid - the mixtures cause effervescence and strong pressure build-up will damage the bottle.


2. Remove dust from carpets and upholstery

2. Remove dust from carpets and upholstery


To remove lint, dust and hair from carpets and upholstery, the most practical and fastest way is to use static electricity. In the tutorial, Cleanthatup uses a rubber glove, but one can use any plastic object: an old pair of flip flops, or the sponge of the brush to wash the windows, for example. Another very effective method is to use adhesive tape, to which hairs and lint will stick as you move along.

3. Remove stains from steel sinks

3. Remove stains from steel sinks


To remove stains from steel sinks, cleanthatup recommends the use of a mild cleansing cream, to be rubbed on the surface with the help of a non-scratch sponge. After rinsing off, dry with a soft, microfibre cloth. Your sink will shine like new. If, on the other hand, you prefer a natural alternative that is more suitable for contact with food (and which is also useful for cleaning pots), you can opt for vinegar. Red or white, just distribute it on the surface and leave it to act for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off and dry with a microfiber cloth. And that's it.

Did you already know any of these remedies? Find out how cleanthatup uses them in his video tutorial! Can you think of other useful tips?
