Don't give up on growing zucchinis due to lack of space: you can use various pots and containers

Zucchini plants are quite big, with broad leaves supported by thick green branches. When planting them in the garden, in fact, it is always advisable to leave a lot of space between one plant and the next and even more between the different rows of vegetables. This suggests that they can only be grown in a vegetable garden or where there is a lot of space available.
With a little planning, however, even zucchinis (courgettes) can grow in large containers such as large pots or other objects converted for this purpose. So, even on a balcony, or without having a piece of land in the garden free to be used as a vegetable garden, you can still grow your zucchinis.
It is advisable to use pots that are at least 60 centimeters in diameter and 30 centimeters in height. It is also necessary that the pots or containers chosen ensure excellent drainage. So choose only pots that already have holes in the bottom or you can drill holes into before planting. The measurements of the pot gvien above are fine for a single zucchini plant. If you want to grow more, consider multiple and/or larger containers.
As for the soil, zucchinis need a type that is light and well drained - so a soil that has been prepared with a little sand (or perlite, vermiculite) or larger elements (pebbles, expanded clay) or bark. Universal soil for flowering plants is not a good choice for zucchinis.
If you start from seeds, you can put them directly into the soil inside the chosen container, and remember that there are some dwarf varieties that do not reach large dimensions. In any case, leave about 5 cm between the various seeds and place them at a depth of 2.5 cm.
If, on the other hand, you use seedlings, you can more easily arrange them directly in the containers, watering the immediately after planting and very abundantly.
Zucchinis love the sun, so they must be exposed to direct sunlight for at least 6-8 hours a day. You can fertilize them once a month, using a fertilizer that is balanced in nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. This type of fertilizer is often in liquid form and must be diluted with water.
Some larger plants will need stakes (sticks, bamboo canes, or other types) to support their long branches. There are also those who use tomato cages, which work well for pots. If you know that the plant will reach a considerable size, put the stakes in immediately, when it is still small, so there is no risk of damaging its roots.
Would you like to grow zucchinis in this way?