Handmade bookmarks using felt: a thousand ideas for creations that will make your books unique!

by Mark Bennett

March 02, 2022

Handmade bookmarks using felt: a thousand ideas for creations that will make your books unique!

When reading a book, a comic or consulting and studying a manual, it is always necessary to keep track of one's reading progress by using a bookmark, and although it is possible to use  just any old piece of paper that juts out a little between the pages for this purpose, it is certainly much nicer to use a bookmark that has been properly made and cared for.

In fact, bookmarks can make reading even more personal and enjoyable, and can reflect one's tastes. So, when they are hand made, they become cute gift ideas suitable for anyone - they just need to be customized in their design a little. Below, you will find various styles to inspire you - all to be made with colorful felt cutouts sewn together.


Among the simplest and most fun of the shapes to make are certainly corner-page bookmarks, i.e. those that fit on the top or bottom corner of the page. You can entertaine yourself by looking for shapes and designs that fit this basic shape, like the triangle of a slice of pizza!


Even some colored monsters are very funny, with eyes and teeth and expressions that are always a little different from each other.

After a little experience in creating these felt figurines, you can try moving from simple geometric shapes and maybe even use various real animals to use as templates to create a bookmarks for the corners of pages.

Tutorial via sustainmycrafthabit.com

Tutorial via sustainmycrafthabit.com

An even simpler and more creative method is to make any figure you want with felt, and then attach it to a document / paper clip: either with thread (or even better), a little hot glue.

With the clip method you can experiment with decorations: animals, letters, plants, flowers ... really everything and anything! And not having to tuck the bookmark between the sheets, they can also be a little padded or decorated with relief elements, such as beads.



With felt you can also create models that copy the traditional bookmark made of a strip of paper that is placed between the pages of a book: here too, the ideas are endless, but the important thing is to use thin felt sheets and think of designs that do not require too many overlapping layers.

Tutorial via mamacheaps.com

Tutorial via mamacheaps.com

Here's a simple idea for a classic, flat, Harry Potter bookmark.


Do you prefer the ribbon style bookmarks that dangle from the back of a book? Then you can attach a tail made with felt to the ribbon.

Or combine the ideas and use the ribbon from a bookmark to be inserted between the pages, and creating combinations of figures on either end of it.



Again, there are those bookmarks with elastic that are secured to the inside of the book cover - and even here they can be elaborately decorated and be three-dimensional with raised reliefs.

Here is a great example of this - roses (or other flowers) affixed to an elastic bookmark which is ancored to the cover!

Reading books or studying manuals is definitely more enjoyable with bookmarks like these!
