5 incredible benefits of natural light for your home and your well-being

by Mark Bennett

February 19, 2024

5 incredible benefits of natural light for your home and your well-being

Natural light entering the home can have numerous benefits for both the physical and mental states for the occupants. Let's take a look at what these are below:


1 - Greater energy saving

1 - Greater energy saving


One of the most important benefits that can be obtained from natural lighting is, without a doubt, energy saving.

A house that gets multiple, continuous hours of natural sunlight every day allows one to keep the artificial lighting systems shut off, thereby reducing electricity/power bills.


2 - Increased vitamin D production

2 - Increased vitamin D production


As far as health is concerned, natural light is very important as it is responsible for the production of as much as 90% of the vitamin D you have in your body.

Vitamin D (aka calciferol) is produced when we expose ourselves to direct sunlight and powers vital functions in our bodies.

First of all, vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus which is good for your bones. It also regulates blood clotting and has beneficial effects for the heart.

Vitamin D also has anti-inflammatory properties and is able to strengthen your immune system.

3 - Improves one's mood

3 - Improves one's mood


Several studies have shown that natural sunlight promotes the release of chemicals within our brains that allow us to better regulate our moods.

In particular, serotonin is released which, in turn, is the neurotransmitter responsible for promoting the feeling of being in a good mood and also aids concentration.

Given this, exposure to sunlight is also recommended in order to combat depression and other mood disorders.

4 - More productivity and more energy

4 - More productivity and more energy


You will certainly have woken up one morning to a gray, rainy day and already have very low energy levels.

As we saw above, sunlight is a great source of fuel for being energetic and staying focussed. Especially in the morning, therefore, sunlight can help us gather the energy we need to face the day.

Furthermore, some studies have shown that a bright working environment with pleasant views of the outside can increase employee productivity. So, even if you work from home, this is a factor to consider.

5 - Regulation of the circadian rhythm

5 - Regulation of the circadian rhythm


Finally, exposure to natural light allows you to regulate your sleep-wake cycles (aka circadian rhythms/cycles): as you know, it is difficult to fall asleep in a bright environment, while you get sleepy after the sun has set.

Usually, we don't pay much attention to this dynamic, but it is a factor to take into consideration especially when sleep-related problems emerge, particularly in times of high stress.

Exposure to natural light is, therefore, something to keep in mind when designing a new home (and the number/size of the windows it will have).
