Can you really eat it? Some foods you wouldn't expect to be edible

by Mark Bennett

April 10, 2024

Can you really eat it? Some foods you wouldn't expect to be edible

Every day we consume food only after having washed and cleaned it and cut of so-called inedible parts of it: peels and seeds are typically thrown in the garbage, but these items are also rich in beneficial nutrients.

Do you know that there are many peels and seeds that you probably throw away, but which you can, in fact, eat? Well, read on to find more:

1. Citrus fruit

1. Citrus fruit


Citrus fruits are well known to be good for one's health, but perhaps not everyone knows that citrus peels can be consumed too. Be sure to buy all-natural citrus fruit if you wish to consume the peels, as fruit treated with herbicides and pesticides could instead contain potentially harmful substances.

Orange peels, for example, contain much more fiber than most fruit, as well as antioxidant substances - vitamins A, C and group B; lemon peels, on the other hand, are very rich in vitamin C but also in minerals such as potassium and calcium.


2. Pineapple cores

2. Pineapple cores


Less sweet and tougher than the flesh, the central part (core) of the pineapple is also rich in nutrients and, in particular, with vitamin C. The core can also be consumed instead of being thrown away: grate it into salads or turn it into puree after boiling it for a few minutes.

3. Broccoli stem and leaves

3. Broccoli stem and leaves

Alabama Extension/Wikimedia Commons

Broccoli stems and leaves are usually discarded during preparation, but they are also rich in beneficial nutrients and can be consumed like the rest of the vegetable. The stems can be used to make vegetable broths or cooked along with the tops; the leaves are a vegetable in their own right and can be cooked like any other leafy greens.

4. Avocado pits

4. Avocado pits


Most of us know that an avocado pit (when not thrown away) can be used to grow a new plant. But not many know the pit can also be eaten: particularly rich in antioxidants, the pit can be washed thoroughly and left to dry for 24 hours before being ground down into a flour. This flour can then be added to various dishes. Be careful not to consume more than half a pit at any one sitting (a quarter for children), as its high tannin content could cause constipation

5. Carrot tops

5. Carrot tops

congerdesign/Wikimedia Commons

Carrot tops and leaves are considered inedible and/or even poisonous by many. But, despite their bitter and slightly earthy taste, these off-cuts can be safely consumed after careful washing; use them chopped into salads, broths, sauces and stews.


6. Watermelons

6. Watermelons

Harsha K R/Flickr

Watermelon seeds and peels are usually considered waste items. However, these parts can also be eaten and will be beneficial for your body. The peel, in particular, is rich in fiber and citrulline (an amino acid involved in the transport of oxygen to the muscles and useful for reducing blood pressure). Watermelon peels can be boiled, caramelized or turned into tasty jam.

7. Kiwis

7. Kiwis

Marco Verch/Flickr

Valued for its high fiber and vitamin C content, a kiwi is usually eaten without its peel. However, the peel is also edible and contains more beneficial elements than the kiwi flesh. You can simply wash the fruit carefully and eat the entire kiwi as is; or you could dry the peels out to be used later in desserts and herbal teas.


8. Mangoes

8. Mangoes

El Mono Español/Wikimedia Commons

The peel of a mango - like that of many other fruits - has a high content of important nutrients, in particular fiber and vitamins A and C.  You can eat the peel, along with the rest of the fruit, after carefully washing and drying it.

9. Bananas

9. Bananas


Banana peels are not only useful as fertilizers for your plants, but can even be consumed along with the rest of the banana. Very rich in fibre, amino acids, antioxidant substances and polyunsaturated fats, the peels can be blended or dried for use later in the preparation of tasty teas, The peels can even be fried in a pan like bacon.


10. Tomato leaves

10. Tomato leaves


We usually grow tomatoes exclusively for the fruit - but the leaves are edible too; despite their very strong and characteristic flavour, in fact, in small amouts of chopped tomato leaves can be used in the preparation of sauces, soups and salads.

What other parts of food do you discard of every day but which you could consume?
