Rare and unusual plants: 12 amazing houseplants that are easy to grow

by Mark Bennett

November 16, 2023

Rare and unusual plants: 12 amazing houseplants that are easy to grow

Indoor plants are increasingly popular in homes, not only as beautiful accessories, but often also to bring a bit of nature into our "big city" lives (which are increasingly surrounded by concrete and steel). Even beginners in gardening can quickly learn to take care of plants with some very easy-to grow-specimens - some of which can also tolerate low light or drought conditions.

Amongst the most common houseplants there are: the Sanseveria, the Dracaena, the Philodendron and the ever-present Ficus (a plant very popular in the 90s and which can now be found in almost every home). However, if you are tired of the usual house plants like these, did you know that there are numerous rarer plants that can be grown indoors easily?

Below, we show you 12 rare and incredible plants which suitable even for beginners.

1. Pachira aquatica

1. Pachira aquatica


If you are a lover of rare "giants", this is the plant for you; Pachira aquatica can reach 2.5 meters in height in domestic environments. A plant of tropical origin, it thrives in temperatures between 16 and 25 degrees C and is very easy for those taking their first steps in the world of gardening. It requires lots of indirect light, watering only when the soil is dry, and is highly ornamental with its broad leaves and twisted trunk.


2. Coffea arabica

2. Coffea arabica


Coffee lovers will adore this plant. C. Arabica does not require much care, it loves indirect light and temperatures above 15 degrees C (18 degrees C is ideal) Watering must be frequent, but avoiding stagnation. Pruning is necessary only in the case of dry parts developing. Repot in spring if the roots become too dense.

3. Begonia maculata Wightii

3. Begonia maculata Wightii


A very unique member of the large Begoniaceae family, Begonia maculata is a plant that never fails to impress. It owes its name to the large leaves, which have white polka dots on the surface and is native to tropical and subtropical climates. A robust plant that is adaptable to different environments, Begonia maculata loves bright (but indirect) sunlight and temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees C. Watering should keep the soil moist, but never wet.

4. Hoya linearis

4. Hoya linearis


An uncommon variety of the Hoya genus, Linearis is a succulent plant that is very easy to care for, with characteristic long and thin bright green leaves and is perfect for growing in hanging pots. This plant can tolerate low light conditions, is suitable for humid environments and temperatures between 16 and 24 degrees C. Being slow-growing, it does not require many repottings.

5. Sedum burrito

5. Sedum burrito


A plant with a decidedly original appearance - and also suitable for hanging up - the Sedum burrito is a very robust succulent plant that loves bright and airy places. Suitable for those who do not have much time, S. Burrito withstands drought conditions well and must be watered only when the soil is dry. Regularly remove dry stems and damaged leaves for rapid and regular growth.


6. Begonia masoniana

6. Begonia masoniana

Kor!An/Wikimedia Commons

Another variety of the large Begoniaceae family, B. Masoniana is a perennial plant native to China and India, characterized by rough, bright green oval foliageand  with a large brown cross in the center. B. Masoniana adapts well to the indoors, thriving in temperatures between 18 and 28 degrees C. Also a lover of intense but indirect sunlight, its rhizomatous roots allow it to conserve water and for this reason, it must be watered regularly and kept humid (but not soaking or very wet).

7. Clusia rosea princess

7. Clusia rosea princess


Clusia rosea princess is a plant which is suitable for poorly-lit environments. It requires temperatures above 17 degrees C and does not tolerate cold drafts very well. C. Princess requires regular watering with non-calcareous water and spraying water on the leaves if the climate is particularly dry. This plant is also perfectly suited to hydroponic cultivation, and so, it is an excellent choice both for beginners and for those who are trying hydroponics for the first time.


8. Aegagropila linnaei or Cladophora

8. Aegagropila linnaei or Cladophora


Also known by its Japanese name, Marimo, this plant is a ball-shaped algae that is very famous in Japan where it is a protected species. A very long-living plant (more than 100 years at times), it grows a few millimeters each year and it is incredibly easy to take care of it: just place it in a container full of water in a place not exposed to direct sunlight. All you have to do is replace the water every 10 days and then gently squeezing the plant to allow it to absorb the fresh water.

9. Red lepismium cruciformis

9. Red lepismium cruciformis

cultivar413/Wikimedia Commons

This plant is an rare, thornless tropical cactus, which blooms and takes on an interesting red color under the right conditions. Like all cacti, it is drought tolerant and grows well with plenty of indirect sunlight. Be careful if you have children and pets, as it is toxic (especially the sap).


10. Strelitzia augusta

10. Strelitzia augusta


Also known as the "Bird of Paradise", S. Augusta is a very popular plant. S. Augusta is a very easy plant to grow requiring indirect sunlight and a warm, humid environment (between 10 - 25 degrees C). Watering must be abundant and regular. You will need to repot this plant every spring until the fifth year, when it will have reached adulthood and begins to bloom in autumn.

11. Platycerium

11. Platycerium


Also known as the Deer Horns fern (due to its shape), this is a very striking plant. An epiphytic fern, platycerioum does not require soil to grow and is often cultivated in hanging pots. Being an undergrowth-type plant, it does not require much light and its ideal temperature is around 20 degrees C. It loves humid and cool places, so it is important to mist the leaves and keep the soil moist. It can resist drought for short period, but then it closes its leaves to preserve water.


12. Ornamental pineapple

12. Ornamental pineapple


We conclude with a plant usually known in its edible form - the pineapple. The ornamental pineapple variety produces fruit which looks like a classic pineapple, but is smaller and pink in color. This plant needs at least 4 hours of direct sunlight a day to keep the soil warm and increase the chances of producing fruit. Ornamental pineapple requires regular watering from spring to autumn, and which can be reduced in winter. Be aware that this plant is also toxic and can harm pets.

Have you decided which plant (or plants) you'll go with?
