Dishwasher safe: these items should always be hand-washed

by Mark Bennett

October 11, 2023

Dishwasher safe: these items should always be hand-washed

Technology has greatly reduced domestic burdens in recent times: more and more people now find it essential to have some household appliances, such as the dishwasher.

That said, it is important to know what can and, more importantly, what should never be washed in the dishwasher. In fact,  making a mistake in this regard could cause damage to the appliance and/or the items washed. To this end, we have compiled a list of items that should always (and only) be hand-washed. Read on to find out more:


Crystal and gold, bronze or brass cutlery

Crystal and gold, bronze or brass cutlery


After dinner, you generally just need to rinse off the dishes and pop them in the dishwasher - job done!

But do not put the following items into the dishwasher: any items made from crystal! The same applies to gold, bronze or brass-plated cutlery: these items will get tarnished in the machine. But there is more...


Bronze pots and pans... and more!

Bronze pots and pans... and more!


Pots and pans are very frequently used in the kitchen, but not all types can be washed in the dishwasher.

Anything made of bronze, cast iron, non-stick and aluminum pans, should not be put in the dishwasher. This obviously also includes the lids and in particular, those of pressure cookers: soap could find its way into the pressure safety valve!

Wooden utensils, sharp knives

Wooden utensils, sharp knives


All wooden utensils do not "do well" in a dishwasher.  And the same goes for high-quality kitchen knives with a fine blades: the action of the dishwasher could cause the blades to chip.

So, for these items, it is best to hand-wash them to preserve their condition.

Perhaps surprising

Perhaps surprising


Maybe you already knew about this, but there are some other objects which can be damaged in the dishwasher and this may be a surprize. Thermoses: the value of these containers lies in the fact that they are able to isolate the external temperature and therefore make a liquid less subject to temperature variations. However, this function can be compromised if the seal is damaged - and this can happen in a dishwasher.

Measuring cups with the various "marks" printed on them: these are generally made of plastic (and not hard type). Washing these in a dishwasher could deform them and/or erase the markings, rendering the measuring cup useless.

So, a dishwasher is a blessing for all those who have one, but it still has some limitations which you should be made aware of.
