Autumn cleaning: how to prepare the home for the change of season

by Mark Bennett

October 10, 2023

Autumn cleaning: how to prepare the home for the change of season

With the arrival of autumn, temperatures and the climate change, and even our habits tend to change slightly: the days become shorter, the first cool weather makes itself felt and it begins to be necessary to think about a changing our wardrobes, and more...

In fact, as autumn approaches, it is advisable to do a thorough cleaning of the house: let's see which area and objects to give cleaning priority to.

1. Cobwebs

1. Cobwebs

Ivan Radic/Flickr

When it gets cold, insects of various kinds seek shelter in our homes: bedbugs and spiders are probably amongst the most common. This means that it would be a good idea to look carefully and remove any cobwebs from the corners of the house. We advise you to look into every nook and cranny and remove any that you may have missed in previous cleanings.

To remove webs, you could use a special cleaning "stick" with the ability to be extended and reach the ceiling. Place a duster one at the end of the stick and use a circular movement to completely remove the cobweb.


2. Light fittings

2. Light fittings


Now is also a good time to dust the lamps and light fittings throughout the house. In fact, it could also be a good time to replace any faulty light bulbs and, if you have them, smoke detector batteries.

This is also a very simple procedure: equip yourself with a mask and perhaps some protective glasses and pass a duster over the light fittings. If the accumulated layer of dust is too thick, unplug the power and use a damp cloth.

3. Curtains

3. Curtains


With the change of season it's also time to change the curtains: do you have "heavier" curtains? There's no better time to clean the ones you take down, dust off the new ones and then put them up!

To do this, just use the washing machine: delicate wash cycle and don't overload the drum.

4. Windows and shutters

4. Windows and shutters


Summer has come to an end and many left their windows wide open and exposed to dirt. In particular, windows, shutters and awnings are prone to having dust settle on them: now might be a good time to clean them.

All you have to do is take a cloth or a damp rag and pass it over the dusty surfaces, taking care to get into all the nooks and crannies.

5. Closets

5. Closets


Don't forget to clean your closets either. The change of season is the perfect opportunity for this: as you change your outfits for the season, you could take this time to clean your closets too.

Remove all the contents, leave the drawers and doors open, then equip yourself with rags, detergent and disinfectant sprays. Carefully dust, wash and sanitize your closets so that your autumn outfits won't be "contaminated".


6. Upholstery

6. Upholstery


As autumn approaches, it is highly recommended to replace/or clean the upholstery. Changing covers and upholstery is not only pleasing, but it can be an excellent opportunity to sanitize all those surfaces that have heavy contact: cushion covers, the sofa upholstery and so on. Additionally, some people may want to lay down rugs and carpets.

The cleaning of these elements varies greatly: some types of upholstery can be put directly in the washing machine; for others (such as carpets), you may need special equipment and cleaning products.

7. Skirting boards

7. Skirting boards


Staying on the subject of deep cleaning, one area is often forgotten: the skirting boards. Floors are swept and mopped, but skirting boards are often ignored. But a large amount of dirt and bacteria can accumulate in, on and around them.

To eliminate this problem, you just need a bit of patience and a simple sponge/rag: lightly wet the spoinge/rag and pass it over the entire length of the skirting boards.


8. Fridge and freezer

8. Fridge and freezer


As the temperatures change, so the needs of our food stored in the fridge can change: we advise you to adjust the theromstat of your fridge to prevent ice forming.

While you're at it, a general cleaning of this appliance will also be an excellent idea: empty the fridge, defrost the freezer and wipe down all internal surfaces.

9. The oven

9. The oven


Finally, another useful appliance that should be maintained regularly is the oven. So why not take advantage of the change of season to clean it thoroughly?! And it's not just about aesthetics, of course: cleaning all the parts of the oven allows for greater food/cooking safety.

To clean the oven, it is best to use specific products or natural solutions (such as water and white vinegar, for example).

So, as autumn approaches, now is the time to get cracking with these chores!
