Decorate your garden with creative recycling: 10 brilliant ideas for using pallets and old tires to do this

by Mark Bennett

September 15, 2023

Decorate your garden with creative recycling: 10 brilliant ideas for using pallets and old tires to do this

There are some waste materials that are a real treasure in the DIY world, such as pallets and old tires, with which you can decorate the home and garden in a truly creative way. In fact, pallet and tires can be turned into truly wonderful furnishings for our homes.

Sofas, planters, seats, tool holders and even bar areas: with a little creativity, tires and pallets can be transformed/recycled to meet some, or all of, these needs. Check out the ideas below:


Reuse pallets to decorate the garden

Here's some pallets acting as supports for pot plants. Simply stand them up vertically, add the pots and the plants, and you're done!


Alternatively, pallets can become fully-equipped "walls", or tiny counters which function as mobile bars. By simply adding a narrow shelf, wheels and hooks, you can make a mobile BBQ equipment stand, for example!

Secured to the walls, pallets can become vertical gardens for succulents that will look like a living painting.

Pallets in the garden: practical and beautiful

Do you need a place to organize your gardening tools? A pallet can help out with this (and can be easily secured to a wall).

And then there's the great classics: sofas and tables made from wooden pallets. They are solid and sturdy, and if they are treaeted with waterproofing products, they will last a very long time.


Old tires to decorate the garden

It's difficult to think of something that is as bulky and "common" a waste product as tires. So, recycling tires is not a bad idea if we can.

Old tires can easily be converted into poufs to sit on. And if you stack them, they can be transformed into coffee tables. You can then "go wild" decorating them with paint or cladding fabrics (or both).

Another popular idea is to convert old tires into planters: sometimes the rubber also is carved to add to the decorative effect.


Alternatively, it is quick and easy to use old tires "vertically": fixed to a wall or a fence, they can be the supports for pot plants.

Swings are great fun for young and old: using a DIY tire pouf, you create a swing that is suitable for adults. A tire hung vertically is more suitable for children.


A tire path in the garden?

It is not surprising to see borders and flowerbed edges made from old tires, but how about using them as paving? It's an truly original idea!

Have you ever used tires or pallets to decorate your garden?
