Keep plugs and plugholes perfectly clean using these easy methods

by Mark Bennett

May 25, 2023

Keep plugs and plugholes perfectly clean using these easy methods

Cleaning the bathroom is a chore we do every day to ensure perfect hygiene at all times. But there are areas of our bathrooms that perhaps do not receive all the attention they deserve: the plugs and plugholes. Always in contact with limescale, dirt and hair, these plugholes get dirty very easily, and it's not always easy to clean them.

So how do you go about cleaning and sanitizing sink, bath and shower plugs and plugholes? There are several natural remedies that can help us with this difficult task, and we describe them below:



It will be very easy to clean your bathroom's plugholes perfectly using these natural methods:

  • The first method we recommend may seem a little unusual, but it is certainly very effective: use a tomato. You just need to cut one in half and use it like a sponge to rub the plughole's surfaces. Leave this to act for 20 minutes before rinsing off with plenty of water; your plugholes will be like new again.
  • In the same way, you can also use half a lemon. Or, if you prefer, you can immerse the plugs in a solution of water and lemon juice, leaving this to act for a few hours.
  • If you want to save  your lemons, use citric acid instead: dissolve 50 g of it in 300 ml of water and soak the plugs for 2 hours, then rub them clean using a soft sponge.
  • Bicarbonate, with its whitening, degreasing, sanitizing properties and its slightly abrasive action, will be very useful for this task. Prepare a paste by mixing bicarb with a few drops of water and rub it on the plugholes with a toothbrush. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse off.
  • Finally, how about using good, old vinegar? Mix it with water in equal parts, immerse the plugs in the mixture for 2 hours and then rub clean with a sponge. You'll see how shiny your plugs will be!
  • You can also choose to combine the cleaning power of two different ingredients for an even stronger effect. Sprinkle the plugholes with lemon juice or citric acid or vinegar, then add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Let it act for about 10 minutes (or until the effervescent reaction stops), then rinse off using a sponge.

What is your favorite plughole-cleaning method?
