7 natural alternatives to commercial air fresheners for your home

We can all agree that a pleasantly scented home is more welcoming and nicer to live in. But the air fresheners available on the market today are often very strong and can be overpowering, especially for sensitive people or those with a highly developed sense of smell.
However, there are numerous ways to make our home fragrant by using natural products that are less pungent than the chemical and commercial equivalents.
We suggest below, 7 alternatives to commercial home air fresheners which will keep your home smelling good.
1. Eliminate bad smells

The first step to always having a good smell in the home, is to eliminate the sources of unpleasant scents. For this purpose, it is important to air out all the rooms on a daily basis - especially after cooking. Even in winter, it is important to do this: in winter, air out the rooms for at least 15 minutes a day. Carry out this operation in the morning, to minimize heat loss and give the room time to warm up during the hottest hours of the day.
If you live in city centres, next to high-traffic roads or near industrial plants, you could also consider purchasing air purifiers, which will not only help you eliminate bad smells, but will also remove any allergens and harmful pollutants.
2. Baking soda

Another excellent method for eliminating bad odors is the use of baking soda, especially in small and enclosed environments. Keeping a bowl of baking soda in every room will eliminate bad smells. Place baking soda inside refrigerators, shoe racks, wardrobes and closets for maximum effect.
Furthermore, sprinkling baking soda on carpets and mattresses before vacuuming them will improve the cleaning efforts you make.
If you want, you can add a few drops of essential oil or chopped/powdered herbs or spices to the bowls along with the baking soda to enhance the scent given off.
3. Cleaning routines

Once bad odors have been eliminated, it is important to prevent them returning. If there are some situations that simply cannot be avoided - such as when cooking meals - following a rigorous cleaning routine can help your preventative measures.
For example, it is good practice to avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink: wash them immediately or put them into the dishwasher as soon as you can.
Garbage also plays a vital role in this case. Change the garbage bags regularly, paying particular attention to the organic waste which can easily leak decomp liquids. And make sure your trash can seals properly and is washed out regularly.
Finally, in very humid areas and in old houses, it is very easy for a damp and moldy smell to develop. To prevent this, it is important change the air as often as possible and to keep the areas dry.
4. Decorate with plants

Houseplants not only make our homes more beautiful, they also help keep the air cleaner. Numerous species are capable of removing polluting substances from the air and, if we choose to grow scented plants such as eucalyptus or lavender, they will also spread their pleasant scent around our rooms.
Just pay attention to watering: over-watering can cause molds to develop which, in turn, cause bad odors!
5. Essential oils

Essential oils are excellent natural ingredients to perfume our homes. You can insert them into the radiators and humidifiers in winter, or use diffusers throughout the year.
You can also make a scented cleaner and sanitizer for surfaces by pouring a few drops of essential oil into a spray bottle containing white vinegar. Perfume as you clean!
6. Natural perfumers

There are also a number of natural alternatives to commercial air fresheners. You can find them online or make them yourself using essential oils, or a mixture of essential oils with alcohol, to be used as a spray or in a stick diffuser.
You can use also use scented candles, choosing those made with natural ingredients or making them yourself using spices, citrus fruits and essential oils.
Lastly, sachets of spices, citrus peels, herbs and flowers can help you spread a wonderful scent in the environment, especially in very small rooms and spaces such as bathrooms, closets and wardrobes.
7. Use of strong products

If you have a very sensitive nose, these natural alternatives usually have a less intense odor. Also, you can use them in small doses and open the windows while using them in order to reduce their impact on your nasal passages. Finally, it is best to avoid products with bleach or chemical-based perfumes.
How do you perfume your home?