Creative projects to do with the children: 8 fantastic craft flowers to make using straws

Doing craft projects with your children is one of the most pleasant ways to spend time with them and often, they create truly objects which you can use to decorate your home. And how wonderful is it - when your children are all grown up - to have their youthful works of art still hanging on the walls?
There is a vast array of materials that we can use for creative projects with our children, and many of these are recycled materials. If you have straws left over from a birthday party, for example, and you don't want to throw them away, this article is for you: below, we suggest 8 projects you can do with the kids to make fantastic flowers using recycled straws.
1. Hearts or flowers?
A very simple project to make is a beautiful vase of paper flowers: colorful and always beautiful, they will be perfect as an ornament. You can use the straws as stems and the card as petals. Make these by cutting out heart shapes from card and overlapping 3 of them to form a circle: they will look like wonderful daisies.
2. Colorful daisies
Make beautiful colored daisies using plastic and straws: just cut some colored straws into segments of the same length, then obliquely so that they take on the shape of petals. You can also make the central stamen and the stem using straws, while the leaves can be made by cutting up some (green) plastic bottles. Your flower is now ready for the vase!
3. Frilly flowers
Even cupcake liners can be turned into frilly petals. Glue them to the top of a straw and watch your beautiful flowers bloom.
4. Tulips
For tulip lovers, it is very easy to create a bouquet to decorate the living room! The straws will be the stems, folded card the flower. And it's done in a jiffy!
5. Plastic roses
Make beautiful plastic roses using only straws as the raw materials: cut a straw vertically and flatten it; then cut out the shapes of the petals and glue them around a green straw that acts as the stem. These roses will be amazing.
6. Hyacinths
These colorful hyacinths look super-complicated to make, but once you get started, you'll never want to stop making them. Just cut the straws into thin strips and fold them - as simple as that!
7. A bouquet of memories
Make flowers with cupcake liners mounted on a straw and glue your children's photos inside them. They will holders of your precious memories.
8. Folded roses

And folded straws can become beautiful roses.