Hopping frogs: 9 super-creative crafts to do using paper and cardboard

Frogs and toads are fascinating creatures: amphibious and renown for the way they can hop around and are able to catch insects with their lighting-fast, long tongues. There are many different species of these amphibians and some are even very dangerous! That said, frogs make for cute decorations and here's some creative craft projects you can do with the kids using paper and cardboard:
1. A leaping frog with an accordion body

Tutorial via kidsartncraft.com
As a kid, you probably learned how to make an accordion with two pieces of paper. This simple technique is used to make this frog hop, with the accordion working like a spring!
2. Origami frogs

Video tutorial via Neil Lin Origami Tutorials林/YouTube
How about using origami to make your frogs? There is a number of techniques to do this (with many tutorials online) and some will even hop for you if folded in a particular way!
3. A version with eyes

Video tutorial via Craftz Talent/YouTube
Staying with origami, you can make a frog that has a bit more detail: the folds create a gap in the center and there is space to stick on some googly frog eyes. The important thing, is to learn the right folding sequence that will allow your frog to hop.
4. The frog that can flick its tongue

Video tutorial via Kids Craft/YouTube
Not all paper frogs need to be able to hop, but they can still be interactive. This example mimicks how frogs are able to quickly flick out their long tongues. This frog is easy to make and no insects need to be devoured either!
5. The frogs in a pond

How can you say no to these adorable frogs happily sitting on lily pads? Lily pads are aquatic plants that grow on the surface of ponds and lakes, or on the banks of some larger lakes and frogs love to sit on them to survey their kingdoms.
6. Colorful lily pads

As a variation on the above theme, you can try this version! Colorful frogs lay in wait for their prey on their lily pads with their tongues ready to quickly flick out and catch their next meal!
7. Toilet roll frogs

Another great resource for these paper/cardboard "froggy" crafts are empty toilet roll tubes (or tubes from paper towels, plastic wrap or similar).
Here, a toilet roll has been transformed into a frog sitting on a lily pad.
8. The hunter frog!

Here's a very simple project, for which you only need a cardboard tube, some string (which will serve as the frog's tongue) and a cutout in the shape of a fly. Now, your frog is really hunting!
9. Paper cup frog

More cute frogs can be made by decorating a regular paper cup. This example is inspired by the illustrations in the children's story, "Snap!" by Anna Walker, and will very popular with your little ones!
Have you found the frog you want to make with paper?