Air fryers: 10 common mistakes to know about and avoid

by Mark Bennett

March 29, 2023

Air fryers: 10 common mistakes to know about and avoid

The air fryer is a very useful appliance to both to save on power bills and to keep us healthy. In fact, similar to a very small convection oven, the air fryer allows one to prepare crunchy, fried food using only the movement of hot air.

In an air fryer, you can really cook almost anything - from appetizers to desserts - with truly excellent results. The size of the basket, in fact, allows for faster cooking times than with classic fan ovens. And hot air cooking allows you to have food that tastes great and without using oil.

But do we know how to take care of our air fryer properly? Below, we list 10 common mistakes many make and how to avoid them:

  • Hasty purchase: the first mistake is usually made when buying an air fryer; there are many models and sizes available on the market and if you make the wrong choice, you risk adding to the white elephants in your cupboards. If you have decided to buy your first air fryer, take into account the use you want to make of it and the number of people you want to cook for.
  • Not reading the instructions: this seems obvious, but many make this mistake.Even if you are familiar with air fryers, each model is different and therefore it is essential to read the instructions carefully before using it. You will obtain valuable information on correct storage and maintenance, on its proper use and on the cooking methods to be used for each food type.
  • Skipping the pre-heating phase: as with an regular oven, the air fryer also needs time to reach the proper cooking temperature and putting food in prematurely can ruin a dish.
  • Not greasing the basket: ok, so you bought an air fryer to cook without fat. But a drop of oil in the basket before inserting the food won't hurt you and will prevent sticking.
  • Overfilling the basket: it is important to respect the capacity of the fryer to obtain optimal results; an overfull basket will result in uneven cooking due to the lack of space around the food and the poor circulation of hot air. Similarly, removing the cooking grate to get more space is also a mistake, because this regulates correct air circulation. 
  • Cooking light or small food items: cooking very light or tiny pieces of food can also be a problem; in the first case, the air will cause the food to fly up into the cooking chamber, while in the second case, the pieces could slide under the grill, ending up in the bottom or on the heating element and burning.
  • Not stirring the food: putting the fryer on and walking away for the cooking time could lead to a less than optimal cooking result, as it is essential that you move the food around a bit while using the air fryer to allow for proper air circulation. Simply open the fryer, remove the basket and shake it for a few seconds.
  • Not letting the fryer cool down: being in a hurry to store or wash your fryer after use risks ruining it prematurely; in fact, it is essential that the appliance is fully cool/cold before washing it to prevent the components, especially those in plastic, from getting damaged.
  • Hurried cleaning: also seemingly obvious, cleaning must be carried out thoroughly. After unplugging the fryer and allowing it to cool completely, remove the basket or internal tray and wash them by hand or in the dishwasher (pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions), then clean the appliance both inside and out with a damp cloth or sponge. During this step, make sure there is no residue on the heating element. Dry off and reassemble.
  • Using the fryer only for snacks: as mentioned at the beginning of the article, an air fryer is a very versatile and useful appliance for saving time and money; just cooking fries from time to time doesn't justify buying one. Don't be afraid to experiment!

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