Decluttering "to make space": 10 things you should try to get rid of

by Mark Bennett

December 17, 2022

Decluttering "to make space": 10 things you should try to get rid of

Decluttering is an increasingly widespread practice that is becoming more and more popular. It essentially consists of getting rid of superfluous items in order to gain more space in the house and reduce mess.

Getting rid of what is not needed - as well as having obvious practical and organizational benefits - seems to be very good for the psyche, because it opens one's mind to new possibilities. However, for some people, getting rid of certain objects is really tough due to feelings of sentimentality and attachment.

Below, is a list of 10 things you can probably get rid of easily. Read on to find out more:


1. Socks with holes in them

1. Socks with holes in them


It is certainly financially wise to patch a hole in a pair of socks when the hole is small. But when stockings and socks are irrepairable, it's best to throw them away or, at least, turn them into something else (like a duster).


2. Old jewellery

2. Old jewellery


Old, tarnished or out-of-fashion jewellery is one of those things we most hesitate most about throwing away, probably because they look valuable. But when it is really certain that we will never use some pieces ever again, discarding them is a good idea.

3. Worn-out towel

3. Worn-out towel


Towels that are very old or worn out - in addition to looking ugly - take up a lot of valuable space.

4. Unused underwear

4. Unused underwear


Panties and bras that are shapeless or too old to be worn should be thrown away immediately.

5. Old or expired cosmetics

5. Old or expired cosmetics


There is also no reason to keep make-up and cosmetics that are very old or expired. Yet many do. If you really want to keep some of these, try to be very selective. Everything else is best thrown away.


6. Unusable clothes

6. Unusable clothes


You may have a lot of clothes that are old, damaged, unfashionable, or even too small for you to wear. It is certainly best to throw these away, reuse their fabric (for rags, for example) or give them away to a charity.

7. Old or broken shoes

7. Old or broken shoes


Shoes are another good example of items we struggle to get rid of. Yet there are very few occasions when it is possible to repair them when they are broken.


8. Useless documents

8. Useless documents


Not to mention documents, letters, notebooks, and similar that no longer serve any purpose. Throwing these into the recycling bin is certainly a more useful and sustainable choice for oneself and for the environment.

9. Old toys

9. Old toys


Old toys, although they can be sentimental, are not worth keeping. If there are any in good condition, it is preferable to donate them to some charity.


10. Broken electronic devices

10. Broken electronic devices


And finally, we tend to accumulate loads of electronic devices for no reason. Getting rid of these can only help reclaiming space in the home.

Which of the things in this list do you continue to keep, regardless of their actual utility?
