Combatting the heat at night: 4 tips to sleep better in the heat

by Mark Bennett

August 08, 2022

Combatting the heat at night: 4 tips to sleep better in the heat

Extreme heat is a great challenge of summer, and we find ourselves struggling with it each year now for longer and longer periods. When temperatures rise dramatically, and you don't want to increase your electricity bill by using air conditioners continuously, you can help yourself out with some classical solutions that can make a big difference.

In fact, it is advisable to use other available resources, so as to use air conditioning only in the most pressing of instances. By refreshing a room a little, you can sleep better and will therefore be better able to face each new day - even if it is very hot outside.



Wet sheets

This is the classic remedy for those who cannot keep fans or air conditioners on continuously. It consists in wetting a light sheet (it could very well be an old sheet) and hanging it over the window when it is opened at night to let some air through. This will ensure that you feel some coolness when nights are muggy and humid.

For the same reason, these warm evenings can be used to wash the curtains in the room, and hanging them up while they are still wet (immediately after washing). By keeping the windows open, the air passing through the curtains cools down a bit, and the weight imparted by the water while they are hanging up will help to "iron" them naturally.

The freezer

The freezer (or even the fridge) can help for immediate, but less-lasting relief. In fact, there are those who put sheets, pillow cases or even pajamas into these appliances. The heat of the body, in contact with these fabrics, ends up heating them again in a relatively short time, but perhaps, together with the other tips, it is a viable remedy.

Cotton and linen

Pajamas, T-shirts, nightdresses and similar: we tend not to use these when it's too hot, because we don't want any fabric to come into contact with our skin. In reality, however, having good cotton (or linen) on us helps us absorb excess sweat, and experience less discomfort - even if there will be more washing machines to do later. The same goes for sheets: it is best if they are made of light and good fabrics, and not with synthetic components that will increase the feeling of heat.



Frozen bottles of water

If in winter it is hot water bottles, for hot summers, cold or frozen water bottles will help us. There are those who place them between the sheets, moving them around a little periodically so that they cool down the mattress. And pressing a bottle of cold water on your wrists, ankles, and neck can also be a great relief to lower your body temperature.

Again, you can put frozen water bottles in front of a fan, and they will work like the wet towel hanging on the window - or even better!

Shutters and blinds

After the sun has set, or sometimes a bit later, we can open the windows to let in the cooler night air. And it is important to air the rooms. But when the morning comes, and we have to go out to work, never forget to close the windows and drop the shutters or close the blinds: the sunlight and the warm air from the outside needs very little time to make the home hot again - forcing us to have to run the air conditioners for longer.

In short, we can relieve the impact of extreme heat by using a few, simple tips!
