Dining outdoors: 11 ideas to set up a dream dining area, surrounded by nature

by Mark Bennett

July 27, 2022

Dining outdoors: 11 ideas to set up a dream dining area, surrounded by nature

Eating outdoors makes food taste better, so they say. When the weather is mild and the perfumes and colors of the garden are intoxicating, this improves our dining experience. When the weather is right, in fact, there is no need to stay indoors, especially if you have guests with whom you want to spend a day or pass an evening. And if a comfortable and scenic dining area has been set up in your garden, it will become one of the most irresistible spots for everyone involved.

In the shade of a simple umbrella or a sail, pergolas or gazebos - or perhaps even just taking advantage of the cool shade of the trees - the possibilities for outdoor dining are numerous. Take a look below at some fantastic outdoor dining rooms to be admired and perhaps to inspire you:


Loads of plants around a simple table with an umbrella: an elegant and intimate scene that does not require much expense.


Even in a garden that is not large, you can find room for a dining area: lots of greenery, and shaded with the help of a sail, when you don't have trees to cast a shadow.

It is also nice to take advantage of the natural coverage provided by foliage: four trees arranged at the corners of a squared off area, with the branches that come together to create a natural, green roof. A dining table looks great under this natural canopy!

Even a wooden pergola has its charm. It can be roofed with reeds or even with climbing plants, so as to become one with the surrounding environment.

A self-supporting structure, with curtains, and plants placed all around it is an excellent compromise.


Pergolas that abutt one side of the house are also beautiful. The ideal arrangement is to have it close to the kitchen, so the open window can act as a convenient service hatch.

And what about an elegant arch-vaulted wrought iron pergola? Once covered by intertwining branches, leaves and flowers, it will be enchanting.


Large gazebos - complete with a chandelier in the center - are always a winning solution.

If there is a very large tree in the garden, the idea of building a table around the trunk is very unique!


Or you could arrange a table with benches - simple and compact -under the tree's canopy, using the branches to hang lights from and where you can enjoy this magical corner on summer evenings.

And don't forget that even a small table with comfortable chairs will be capable of making your green corners nice and cozy!
