12 brilliant ideas to overcome small, daily annoyances, and more

by Mark Bennett

July 17, 2022

12 brilliant ideas to overcome small, daily annoyances, and more

There are countless occasions in which we find ourselves seething with frustration at something that doesn't work as it should or that takes too long to finish - and often these are situations or events that we assume are inevitable and unsolvable.

However, every now and then, a suggestion turns up that can solve the problem - some ingenious discovery online, for example, that we can't wait to test out in everyday life, or as soon as the right opportunity arises. Below we indicate some that may be useful to you:

Tutorial via zackcreator/YouTube

Tutorial via zackcreator/YouTube

Don't want to spend a fortune on air fresheners and diffusers? Then you can take advantage of old sheets of fabric softener used in the clothes dryer (if you want a stronger smell, you can use the new ones): even after use in the dryer, these sheets always retain some perfume and you can use them by securing them with a paperclip or clothes peg to the ventilation grills in the house.


And the same goes for floor-standing fans. Alternatively, you could use some thin pieces of cloth onto which you have put a few drops of your favorite essential oil.



Do you have to defrost some bread but don't want it to get too dry? You can use heat and steam at the same time: one way is to simply place the bread on a perforated object (a colander, a grater, etc.) resting it over a little boiling water, perhaps when you need to cook something!

Otherwise you can add a small bowl of water into the microwave when using the defrost program.

If you can't stand the rays of light that pass through hotel curtains, use the hangers with clips attached (for pants) to keep them tightly closed!

When you have washed white sneakers (especially those made from canvas) and you want to avoid yellowish streaks developing, cover them (when they are still wet) with toilet paper or paper towelling and leave them to dry out in the sun.


Do you need to move to a new home? Save time and effort by slipping more clothes (still on hangers) into large sacks or sturdy bags, so it will take a only a second to put them into the shipping boxes.

If you don't have a tablet or mobile phone stand handy, there are a thousand ways to improvise one, for example with corks and a couple of pieces of string!



When you have to find out what the contents of some boxes or baskets placed on the highest shelves are (and where you cannot use a ladder), you do not need to take them down: you can take a video (or a photo) with the camera on a mobile phone (extend by using a selfie-stick, if necessary), which you can use just like a mirror on the end of a long pole.

Muffin tins can become great organizers for all small items!


Are you about to go camping and are tempted by the idea of cooking pancakes, omelettes or crepes? Prepare beaten eggs or batter in a large quantity and put it into a plastic bottle. You can also indicate the individual amounts / measures on the side of the bottle in permanent marker so you do not to have to estimate "by eye".

TV, decoder, Blu-Ray player, maybe even a stereo or air conditioner: when we want to relax in the living room we have to use a bund of remote controls to avoid turning on / adjusting these appliances manually. Avoid losing the remotes by keeping them all together. You can do this using simple rubber bands or by fixing them to elastic cables anchored to one point - or even by equipping a a wooden board some hooks / clips capable of holding each remote control.


Hotel shower caps can become shoe bags when you are packing!

Do you have any favorite, ingenious solutions that you couldn't live without?
