If you don't have time for long workouts, you can do easy exercises for 3 minutes

by Mark Bennett

July 05, 2022

If you don't have time for long workouts, you can do easy exercises for 3 minutes

It is indisputable that integrating a regular exercise routine into your week means having to make some sacrifices and, especially for those used to a sedentary life, overcoming the temptation to skip a few workouts is a constant temptation. The good news is that, to get back or stay in better shape, you don't necessarily have to spend hours and hours in the gym.

Small changes in your habits and a little physical exercise every day are sufficient, even in small quantities: sessions of 3 or 10 minutes several times a day, scattered among the various other household activities, can greatly benefit our well-being.

This is also confirmed by a study published in The American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism according to which, getting into the habit of exercising for three minutes every half hour is good for the body.

via Amanda Lauren - Real Simple


The data collected revealed that interrupting long periods of inactivity with three-minute exercise sessions twice an hour improved glycemic control (the subjects who participated in the study were people with obesity and / or diabetes issues). And after three weeks of these short exercises, their blood glucose values had improved significantly.

What exercises can be done in these short periods?

  • Dancing: dance freely, with a good rhythm, for duration time of one song. It's fun, it's an outlet, you can do it anywhere and maybe even in company. And in fact, it is great exercise for the body!
  • Arm swinging is also good for toning your upper body muscles, and it's easy and fun. You can fling them together forwards or backwards, or even in opposite directions, but always with measured and consistent movements.

  • The Superman (or Super Woman!) Position: Lie on your back with your arms stretched out in front of you, then raise your arms and legs together and hold the position for as long as possible. Rest for a moment and repeat, until you have done this exercise for 3 minutes.
  • Squats: this is like sitting without a chair, lowering the body until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and perhaps helping to balance the body with the arms extended forward. Some do this also holding weights with their arms to their sides.


  • Planking: this isometric exercise is able to put your body back in shape just by itself (or almost). It involves keeping the body in traction, placing the weight on the forearms and toes pointing to the ground, while the whole body creates a straight line. It is very difficult at the beginning, so you have to gradually increase the time in which to remain in this position. So instead of holding the position for three minutes, you can hold the plank position for 20 or 30 seconds, - maybe even a minute, take a break and start over, until you total three minutes of activity is up.
  • Walking: Walk around the room, to the office, stretch your legs and maybe even swing your arms. The important thing is not to lose rhythm and always keep your body in motion.

And what if you can't stop working every half hour to exercise? Then do at least one 10-minute session three times a day (or more!).

It doesn't take much to regain control of your body!
