4 tips for doing the perfect plank: an exercise that is great for the whole body

We all know that it's almost impossible to keep fit without doing some exercise every day: if we could walk the right distance every day, or run a few times a week (or ride a bike or swim), that would be enough. And finding time to exercise at home isn't easy either. However, there is one type of exercise that, if done correctly, can be a great substitute for longer or more intense exercise sessions.
The exercise is the plank, an isometric exercise that trains all the muscles of the body, starting from those of the abdomen. In order for it to be truly effective, it is necessary to do it in the right way, and below you will find some useful instructions:

When performing any exercise, make sure that your body is in the correct position. In the case of the plank, attention must be paid to how to hold the upper and lower parts of the body, as well as a series of other precautions.
- Upper body: the palms must be pressed firmly on the ground (you can also make fists if you want), with the forearms flat on the ground and straight. You need to pull yourself up and hold yourself in position by pushing on the palms and forearms, while the neck is stretched forward - never bent - with your face turned to the ground. The shoulders must remain as wide as possible, without narrowing them. Your elbows must be in line with your shoulders, and your overall position shouldn't be so uncomfortable that you give up quickly.
- Lower body: Your legs will also be involved in the exercise, and you should feel the burn. Once your feet are pushed together, try to push your heels down, as if you wanted to get the sole of your feet to rest on the ground. The quadriceps will be put under tension and you need to squeeze your glutes, so that the other muscles of the lower body are exercised. In particular, your bottom must remain low, or better, in line with the rest of the body, and not pointing upwards. In fact, your body must form a straight line from the feet to the tip of the head.
Aligning the entire body is essential: imagine that if you put a ball on the back of your neck, it should roll along your body without stopping at the hips.
Also, concentrate on breathing: never hold your breath, or you won't be able to hold the position. Inhale and exhale slowly, deeply and regularly throughout the exercise.
10 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week, or even 1-2 minutes every day (which you can increase as your body gets used to it) will transform your figure in a month. And you can do this comfortably at home, before taking a shower, and without wasting too much time!
It takes perseverance, and it's certainly very challenging at the beginning, but it's truly an exercise that almost anyone can do!