Small, sunken eyes? Try these beauty tips to improve your look

by Mark Bennett

July 14, 2022

Small, sunken eyes? Try these beauty tips to improve your look

Sunken eyes also usually appear to be quite small. And it is a particular type of eye whose aesthetics can be influenced by different variables. They are mostly small eyes characterized by lids that are not wide, and with a slightly darker color and marked dark circles under them. The overall effect that is given is that of a slightly darker, sunken and dull-looking eyes.

But every eye, like every face, has particularities that makes up its strengths. We have collected some valuable tips below to try to emphasize these strengths, thanks to make-up.


Factors such as health, age, going through a particularly stressful period, the type of skin or even the morphology of the face due to genetic issues can contribute to making eyes appear more sunken. What matters is that we have the possibility of taking care of them and enhancing them through using make-up that makes them look their best (or the best we can hope for).


The key to achieving an excellent treatment of sunken eyes is the use of a clear and bright make-up which, by using some simple hints and tips, is easy to do. This will make the eyes appear bigger and give a brighter look. Mat, dull or dark colors are usually not recommended. It is best, therefore, to follow some fundamental tips (which we share below).

Useful tips achieveing a "wow factor" using eye makeup:

  • Even out the complexion with a clear concealer that illuminates the eyelid and corrects the eye discolorations.
  • Use light and / or silky eyeshadows.
  • Replace (if used regularly) the black eyeliner with a brown or gray one and apply by drawing a thin line.
  • Pass a light-colored pencil (usually butter-colored is recommended) on the lower rim of the eye which, through a particular optical effect, will make the inside of the eye appear larger.
  • Use an eyelash curler to open up your "look".
  • Put a little mascara on the lashes, focusing on the central part and using ones which are of light color (or even transparent).
  • Create points of light with the highlighter on the outer corner of the upper eyelids (under the eyebrows) and in the inner corners of the eyes (near the nose).

Things that are best avoided:

  • Making up your eyes with black or with dark, dull and highly pigmented colors.
  • Using an eyeliner that is too thick.
  • Using the black pencil on the lower edges of the eyes.
  • Using a lot of mascara, especially if it is black.

These are the tips and general guidelines that make-up artists generally recommend one to follow. They are easy and simple to remember and put into practice and they can really make a difference. It is certainly good to know that it takes very little effort to make one feel more self-confident. Not that makeup is a necessity for this but, sometimes, it can help.
