Do you need to wash the walls? Discover some useful tips to make them gleem again

by Mark Bennett

June 21, 2022

Do you need to wash the walls? Discover some useful tips to make them gleem again

We don't always realize it, but even the walls of the house can get very dirty. Not only those in the kitchen can be covered with food splashes or those in the bathroom get dirty with soap stains, but also the walls in the rest of the house are surfaces that can get covered with dust, and to add to this, there is also humidity, smoke of some stove or fireplace and more.

So how do we wash them? For each type of coating some precautions are necessary, and if the easiest wall surfaces to wash are those with tiles, but it is also possible to safely clean those that are painted. Read on to find out more:

via @nottheworstcleaner/TikTok



Several methods can be employed, some of which are illustrated in a TikTok video on the @nottheworstcleaner account.

The woman uses a flat mop, which is also used for floors: it is not necessary to use an identical model - any flat mop with a soft cloth tightly stretched over it will suffice. For the rest, the necessary ingredients are warm water and then, depending on the situation, white vinegar (wine, alcohol, apples - whatever you prefer) or soap or even a spray product. The video does not specify which detergents are specifically used, but in general they use Marseille soap (or even Castile, or grandma's yellow soap), or a minimum amount of dish washing liquid or some other very delicate detergent (not bleach) - similar to the detergents used on floors.

  • For the kitchen walls, especially if they are white: warm water and white vinegar. Adding half a glass to a bucket of water is excellent for dissolving greasy dirt residue caused by cooking and for eliminating food splashes that end up on the wall (especially around the backsplash).
  • If there is not too much dirt, you can mop the walls just using a cloth moistened in hot water (and attached to the mop).
  • For walls with a glossy or semi-gloss finish, however, it is better to use soap and water.

How to proceed: the method is the same in each case. In fact, you must make sure to wring out the cloth very well, so as not to leave streaks on the wall. You need to change the cloth if it gets too dirty (or rinse in out) and always have another dry, clean cloth ready to place on the mop after removing the dirt, so as to dry any excess moisture - nobody wants to facilitate the appearance of mold in the house!

You can see the TikTok video here.
