Let climbing plants grow on trellises of all kinds to decorate your garden with style

by Mark Bennett

May 27, 2022

Let climbing plants grow on trellises of all kinds to decorate your garden with style

Climbing plants (also known as "creepers") are a great resource for the garden: they can hide an area of the garden to create privacy; or shield a functional, but not very attractive, space; they can cover a ruined or bare wall; or more simply, they can enrich an area with their lively and fascinating foliage; or they can provide the covering for pergolas, and can grow into arches under which we can pass to access various parts of the garden.

All this can be achieved with construction materials, of course, but we can also rely on nature: roses, clematis, wisteria, bougainvillea ... These are just some of the most famous species of climbing plants. And between those that bloom and those that have lovely foliage, the possibilities are endless. To take advantage of their beauty and to decorate the garden, it is necessary to provide them with climbing supports, structures which they can latch onto. Below you will find some ideas to make these using DIY projects:


Whether it is to cultivate an ornamental plant or perhaps even to tidy up rows of tomatoes or other vegetables, it is useful to create a trellis using bamboo canes: the thinner canes will work well and the structure will be very robust.


If, on the other hand, you want a solution that is more temporary - especially for vegetables or plants that lose their foiliage in the winter - you can make a temporary trellis using simple wooden sticks and braided cords to form a net (or a rope net).

Using sticks - or better still, thin bamboo canes - you can create supports that form a sort of teepee: they work both in the open ground and in pots.

And in the open ground, they will allow you to create a refuge large enough for you to sit inside: imagine how beautiful it could be to have a bench or even a shady and scented mini sitting room with roses, or maybe even jasmine (or any other climbing plant you like).

It's not even necessary to join the tops of the sticks stuck in the pot, but you can place supports at several spots along their length with a piece of wire (or cord) - in this way, you will create a cylinder frame which will support and climbing plant reliably.


Often old windows are used as trellises (and also railings and pieces of gates or fences) ... You could recreate the look of a pointed arch window with wooden branches!

To quickly create an espalier that allows you to use any large planter for your climbing flowers, you can use sticks and chicken coop wire.


If, on the other hand, you wanted to create an arch under which you can walk, you could plant the support sticks on either side of a pathway (embedded in raised flower beds, if you want) and then create the vault using a nice piece of sturdy netting for the arch support framework.

Trying a DIY trellis project could be an opportunity to work with various pieces of wood (including recycled scrap) to create a lattice with more a more artistic flavor.


And you could also recycle all kinds of objects: even the frame from an old, round trampoline!

Have you ever made some DIY trellises for your garden?
