Revolutionize your garden in one day - choose from one of these 12 DIY projects

Just like the house, the garden also expresses our characters. It is a great luxury to have an outdoor space that can be called entirely ours and that we can enjoy with family members and guests.
Using some DIY projects, you can improve your garden in one day. Here are some projects you can try out:
Vertical garden

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Here, a wooden railing was used, which has been turned into a sort of trellis on which to hang pot plants: it could be the solution to have a aromatic herb garden, or a decorative wall of succulent plants or perhaps seasonal flowers!
An outdoor table

Just like at the entrance or in a corridor of the house, a narrow table/work bench could be very useful - perhaps up against one of the walls of the house.
Portable greenhouse

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Do you want to check on the growing conditions of some of your more demanding plants? You can try to build a portable greenhouse for them! It will be perfect for the more delicate plants or for all those growing from seedlings!
Cover trash cans or air conditioners

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Is there a corner of the garden where you can see the motors of the air conditioners, or where you keep your trash cans? Why not cover these up with a DIY feature wall, like this one that resembles a Jenga tower?

A place to sit in the garden is always useful, and it doesn't take much more than a few cinder blocks and wooden planks to create a stable and comfortable bench.

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To provide seats for all the guests in the garden, have stools ready which, if necessary, can also function as tables, or perhaps even as stands for plants!

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There are beautiful vases and planters you can get to show off your best plants. Scatter them around strategically to create a wonderful ambiance!
Drinks station

Do you like organizing picnics and barbecues in the garden? Having a spot where you can always find cold drinks is a game changer!

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They may not be so popular inside the house, but they are very useful on balconies and in gardens: large and comfortable chests that provide space for storing cushions, blankets and everything that, in bad weather, is best protected.
Concrete table

Are you looking for a durable table for outdoors? Build one with the concrete top, and it will last forever.
Shade with style

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There are gazebos, pergolas and sliding awnings that are beautiful, but often very expensive. But with a well-postioned, secured pole and a strong awning, you can provide shade cheaply!

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For barbecues or even just to have a small fire on cool evenings outdoors: a firepit is the solution!
Ready to enhance your garden with a project like these?