Return tarnished silver to new by using potatoes and other household items

From crockery to cutlery: in every home there can be silver items or accessories - perhaps inherited or received as a gift, but also be modern items with a contemporary design - that we show off on important occasions or that we keep prominently on display, decorating the house permanently.
However, even when silver is not used, it can often get tarnished and dirty, and when it's time to clean and polish the items, you can use both special products and homemade alternatives based on ingredients and items that we generally have at home.

- Potato water: this is one of the most recommended remedies for cutlery, especially those used often and that are only a little dull and without too many tarnish streaks that are difficult to clean. Wash the potatoes well and boil them (but without adding any salt!), You can then use the boiled potatoes as you normally would in the kitchen for any appropriate dish. Do not throw away the water: soak the silverware in the water for half an hour, then use suitable cloths to rub the silver surfaces while still wet; then polish off with another cloth until the silver is shiny.
- Toothpaste: choose a traditional white paste toothpaste, without gel or microgranule parts; put a small blob on a microfiber or flannel cloth (or even on a piece of old sheet!). Rub the entire surface of the silver item well using small circular movements. Then rinse with warm water and dry using another dry cloth, but dabbing instead of rubbing.
- Baking soda: make a paste with two tablespoons of baking soda and enough water to get a cream that you can rub on the silverware using microfiber cloths or flannels. After working onto the entire surface of the object, rinse off with warm water and dry immediately.
- Aluminum foil: the foil is used with both baking soda and vinegar. With baking soda, you need to line a glass tray or pan with the aluminum foil, keeping the shiny side up; place the items of silver on it, sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of baking soda and then pour enough boiling water (be careful) to cover all the items to be cleaned. Leave to soak for 20 minutes, then remove the items from the water, polish them and dry them with a soft cloth. With vinegar, take a glass or aluminum pan, line it with the foil - shiny side up - and then pour in one part vinegar to four parts water. Bring the liquid to a boil, immerse the silverware in the solution for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth.
Do you have a favorite method for polishing silverware?