Recycle plastic bottle caps into colorful creations of fantasy

There are many items that we use every day which are closed with plastic caps: there are those on bottles of water and many other drinks, but also the caps of some jars or bottles - even the small ones for contact lens holders. In short, sooner or later, we have many plastic caps to throw in the trash - but we could also use them in a different way.
In fact, these are objects that lend themselves to many creative recycling projects - both slightly more complex ones (in which an original, unique item is made from scratch), and easier and more fun ones to make together with the children. Find out some of the ways they can be used below.

If you take 6 caps that are the same size and different colors (you could always paint them) they could become the decoration for an original coaster: just glue them together on a cork disc, and you will have one side to use with hot cups and one side for cold cups or glasses.
A more time-consuming job, also done with caps all of the same size but different colors, is to create an amazing table or floor lamp.
Another idea is to make a lamp from plastic caps: this time they are all white and plain, and they can be positioned to create a cube which then projects interesting designs on the walls.
Don't have a palette for your paints? Don't worry - with a few plastic caps and any flat support (it could be wood, cardboard, an old cut-out plastic cutting board ...), you will have one in no time.
A nice project to do with the little ones is to transform the plastic caps into fascinating dragonflies.

You can also make a candle holder from a piece of the neck of a plastic bottle, still with its' cap on.
Many different pieces of plastic, including caps of various sizes, can be used: here is a truly original and beautiful candlestick.
Decorate wall clocks: find hundreds of ideas online on how to do this with plastic caps.
If you cut the edges of each colored cap just right, you will get flowers with open petals: perfect for a creative and unique picture!
Caps of various colors become the colorful leaves of a tree modeled out of copper wire: a creation to keep as a very original ornament.
It takes a little patience, lots of caps and hot glue to create a large basket like this one!
Have you ever recycled plastic caps creatively?