Spring is the ideal time for organizing and reorganizing: here's all areas of the home which may need attention

by Mark Bennett

April 13, 2024

Spring is the ideal time for organizing and reorganizing: here's all areas of the home which may need attention

The arrival of springtime has always associated with the time when we embark on spring-cleaning, ie. a thorough and deep cleansing of the house. However, in order for spring cleaning to be successful, a certain amount of organization and prep work must be undertaken first.

So, before you throw yourself into your spring-cleaning "project", check out the following pre-cleaning steps and measures you should take:

1. Entryway and storage room

1. Entryway and storage room

Christian Brothers/Flickr

The first area to deal with is the entryway: this area can now be emptied of all winter clothing to make room for flip-flops, sandals and beach accessories. Take advantage of this time to decide which of your winter clothes and accessories you will keep and those you should get rid of (like mismatched/missing gloves, for example).

The goal is to store away only those items you are likely to use next winter and to rid yourself of anything superfluous.


2. Closets

2. Closets

Rubbermaid Products/Flickr

Springtime, as you know, is when we also change the outfits stored in our closets. Given this, it's the ideal time to dedicate yourself to sorting out your clothes closets:

  • Completely empty the closets, putting all garments on a bed or table;
  • Clean the wardrobe thoroughly with a mixture of water and white vinegar;
  • Select your clothes, discarding any that are worn out or haven't used for a long time;
  • Put back your selection into your closets in a orderly manner.

3. Garage, cellar and attic

3. Garage, cellar and attic


On the topic of storage, let's now turn to the garage, cellar and attic: these areas of the house are often neglected during the winter due to the cold and during summer due to the heat. Springtime, with its mild temperatures, is therefore the perfect time to tackle these (usually messy) areas: take advantage of the opportunity to check the status of all the objects you have stored there. Make sure that the storage containers are intact and, if necessary, replace them, Get rid of everything that is broken or worn out and donate/sell functioning items that you no longer want. 

4. The car

4. The car


During the winter, you may have neglected the cleaning of your car due to the cold: take advantage of the improved weather to clean out your car of all useless things, throw away the rubbish and reorganize the trunk and glove compartment, keeping only those things you truly need. Then, wash the car yourself (or take it to a car wash for detailing).

5. Kitchen and pantry

5. Kitchen and pantry


The kitchen and pantry should be kept clean and tidy at all times, in order to maintain proper hygiene standards. But springtime can be an ideal opportunity to do a thorough "sorting out" job. As with the clothes closets mentioned above, completely empty out the pantry to clean it thoroughly with water and white vinegar. Throw away any products that have expired or gone bad and we store the remaining in airtight containers to prolong their conservation (as well as to make the pantry look tidier and more organized).

Finally, ensure that all the utensils for barbecues and outdoor meals and parties are present and correct.


6. Documents

6. Documents

Isaac Bowen/Flickr

Spring is when you have to submit your tax return (in the US, at least) and all the supporting documents. For this reason, springtime is also the best time to sort out all your "bureaucratic" documents. As with your closets and pantry (see above), gather up all your documents in one place and go through them carefull, getting rid of everything that is no longer useful to you and place the remainders in special folders with appropriate dividers.

Now you've done all this reorganization, you can get cracking with the spring cleaning!
