Jacuzzis and hot tubs: how to clean the water and air jets properly

The invention of the hydromassage tub at the end of the 1960s was thanks to an Italian American, Roy Jacuzzi, who understood the commercial potential an idea his father (Candido Jaccuzzi) had. Candido, who worked with aircraft components, created the first prototype of a hydromassage tub to relieve the pain of one of his children who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis.
Considered for decades as a luxury only for the wealthy, these hydromassage tubs - known by most as a "jacuzzis" or "hot tubs" - are now quite affordable for most. Indeed, jacuzzis can now be found as almost a standard feature in most modern homes.
So, if you are fortunate enough to have a jacuzzi, how do you keep it clean and bacteria-free? Well, keep reading:
Proper cleaning of the water jets

A quick cleaning the water jets in a jacuzzi should be done immediately after each use. A more thorough cleaning will depend on the frequency of use - often as little as 2 times a year may be sufficient if routine cleaning after use is done. Here's how to proceed:
First, fill the jacuzzi up to a point 5 cm above the upper jets, closing the air valves so that only water passes through the jets. Then add the chosen detergent according to the following guidelines:
- If you use the jacuzzi every day, rinse with water only after each use;
- Once a week, add a low-foaming surfactant (such as powdered dishwasher detergent) dissolved in 50 ml of water;
- For deep cleaning - to be carried out twice a year - add 100 ml of bleach; if the manufacturer advises against using bleach (or if you prefer a more eco-friendly solution), add 250 ml of white vinegar.
Now, turn on the jacuzzi, set the jets to maximum power and leave to run for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, empty the jacuzzi, rinse and repeat this operation but using only cold water. Once done, turn off and wipe down the jacuzzi.
Proper cleaning of the air jets

Cleaning the air jets must be carried out two or three times a year. Here's how to proceed:
- Fill the jacuzzi with hot water to a point where the water is 15 cm above the air jets;
- Add 10 ml of dish detergent and 100 ml of bleach (or 250 ml of white vinegar);
- Turn on the jacuzzi by activating the air pump for 2 minutes;
- Leave for 2 hours, then turn the air pump back on for another 5 minutes;
- Empty the jacuzzi and wipe down.
How to keep jets cleaner for longer

But are there ways to prevent the jets of jacuzzis from getting dirty too quickly? There are three measures you can take:
- Don't be lazy: cleaning the jets with cold water after each use is essential, especially if you use your jacuzzi daily;
- Clean the tank's filter monthly;
- Avoid the use of bath salts, bath oils and bath bombs, as well as very foamy soap products. These products can leave residue inside the pipes, encouraging the proliferation of mold and bacteria.
Now you are properly ready to enjoy your pristine jacuzzi!